Page 65 of Touch in the Dark
“Listen, thanks for today,” Nick says, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. “I’m not sure how I would have coped with that whole thing if you hadn’t been there to ground me.”
“You would have been fine, but don’t worry about it. I’m glad I could help.”
I suddenly become aware of our proximity. It’s nowhere near like where we were earlier today but for some reason, fully clothed, a couple of feet between us, staring at each other, I feel more exposed than I did then.
“Elsa,” Nick starts.
His mouth opens and closes, like he has something important he wants to say but he shakes his head a little. “I’ll see you in a couple of days, for the commercial?”
Whatever he’d been about to say, he chickened out of. I nod my head. Yeah, I am going to see him again. In his underwear. Again. At least this time, I won’t be rubbing up against him. And that thought sends a blush right down my face and neck. Nick doesn’t miss a damn thing and his lip tilts in a suggestive smile.
“Stop it,” I push him, and he laughs. And that does something to my insides.
“Stop what?”
I can’t really answer that without giving away what I am thinking of. Maybe we can be okay? Maybe all it took to break the ice was him rubbing his hard on up against me and his grandma getting in an accident. I feel horrible for even thinking that. But in the short time I spent with her, I already know I like Doris. And I’m not totally against the other thing either.
Stop it, Elsa. I glance out and see Thomas pulling up. I’ll have to buy him something to apologise for all this running around he is doing. I doubt he has worked this much for Remi. I tell Nick he doesn’t need to come out, on the off chance more fans are hanging around.
“Seriously, though. Thank you for today. I would have lost my shit.”
“No problem,” I say.
Nick leans in and kisses my cheek. He lingers there a little and my heart wallops around in my chest, but he pulls back. “See you soon,” he tells me.
“Uh huh,” I say, drawing another sexy grin to his lips.
He holds the door open, and I slip out, grateful for the slap of cold air that hits me straight in the face. It serves as a reality check too. No matter what is running through my head, or how I struggle not to reach up and touch where Nick kissed me. I have to remind myself the only reason I was in his apartment tonight is because Jordan forced me. Nick had no intention of inviting me to stay. But I’m getting such mixed signals from him. He has something he wanted to say, but for whatever reason, he stopped.
I could drive myself crazy thinking about it. So I decide not to. That is easier said than done.
The following evening, after another long day on set, but one where I actually did my day job, I walk into Remi’s apartment with my phone ringing. The display says Jenna is calling. I slip out of my shoes and walk to the kitchen as I answer.
“Hey, how is Hawaii?”
“Absolutely gorgeous. It’s warm, relaxing, and beautiful and Adam is actually letting himself chill, so that alone is worth the trip.”
“Good, I’m glad. Why are you calling me?”
“Jordan called.”
“Yeah, ohhh. You did some underwear modelling? With Nick?” she practically squeals.
I guess Nick filled them in on my change of roles on set the other day. I hadn’t planned on letting any of the girls know. Although how I thought I’d get away with that when the campaign actually comes out is anyone’s guess.
“I want to know everything.”
“There is nothing to tell. We worked together, we were professional.”
“Yeah, uh huh, and then you went back to Nick’s place.”
“Because Jordan kidnapped me from the car,” I open the fridge and grab a carton of cranberry juice, turning to get a glass from the cupboard. I put the call on speaker and set it on the countertop.
“If you hadn’t have wanted to go in, you would have fought him on it,” Jenna points out matter of factly. I don’t disagree. “So, are you seeing him again?”