Page 66 of Touch in the Dark
“I don’t know how you managed to get seeing him again from this, Jenna,” I pick up my glass of juice and head out to the living room. I take a seat at the bar in the corner, leaning my elbows on the surface. “I’ll see him in a professional capacity.”
“In his undies,” she laughs.
“Jenna, for fucks sake, will you let it go,” a male voice calls.
“Listen to him,” I tell her agreeing with Adam. “You’re hoping for something that won’t happen.”
“Hush both of you. Let my romantic heart believe that things can be fixed. Besides, a little birdy told me what happened that night might not be what you think.”
I sit up straight and stare at my phone. She doesn’t need to explain what night she is referring to. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Jenna,” Adam calls out.
Jenna lets out a shriek and there is a weird shuffling sound and then a door slamming.
“What the hell are you two doing?”
“He’s trying to stop me telling you, so I’ve locked myself in the bathroom,” she says a little breathlessly.
“Tell me what?” I breathe out.
“That nothing happened with that woman.”
“Jenna, you and I both saw him with his tongue down her throat.”
“No, we saw a kiss and them getting in a cab.”
“Same difference,” I frown and get up. I start to pace. “And if it was anything other than what I saw, then why wouldn’t Nick defend himself?”
“Because he’s got abandonment issues.”
I stop pacing and frown at the phone. I have no idea what she means.
“Don’t say anything,” her voice is hushed. “Adam will kill me. But he said his mom dying and not knowing who his dad is has messed him up and, it hurts my heart because he is so sweet and kind but he’s letting those things get in the way of what he wants. He hasn’t had a lasting loving relationship, ever, because of that.”
“Jenna,” I close my eyes. This isn’t helping me. In fact, it’s hurting. Plus, she really shouldn’t be telling me Nick’s deepest insecurities like this. Especially not after what I saw today. Although it does put his reaction into perspective. Doris is all he has left, besides his BreakNeck family.
“I know, I’m sorry, but I just want you to know that you could give him the benefit of the doubt. He dropped her off and then went home. It wasn’t what we thought. And, well, I feel bad for him. I want him to be happy and I know you’d make him happy. He just needs to see that.”
“How am I supposed to do that?” I sigh, collecting the phone and plopping down on the sofa in a heap. There is no point getting angry with her. I can get angry later about this. “Without telling him I know he can’t sustain a relationship, because he believes whoever he is with is going to leave him? So he messes it up and leaves first. That’s what abandonment issues are, right? That is something he needs to work on himself. I can’t fix that. No one can, Jenna.”
She’s silent for a minute. “I’ve had too much wine and messed up doing this. Adam is growling outside the door. I’m in so much trouble.”
“Oh Jen… You and your romantic heart. Tell Adam I won’t say anything, and I promise I won’t, but it has put me in an awkward position, considering I’ll be working with him in a couple of days.”
“Sorry,” she whispers.
“It’s okay, just go smooth things over with Adam, you don’t need to tell him how much you’ve told me. I’ll take it to the grave. Just… You can’t force this, Jenna. I can’t afford to have my heart broken again, and trying to fix Nick would do that.”
“I know, you’re right, it just makes me sad. Losing Doris will crush him, and this accident has showed him it’s a reality he may have to face soon.”
“I have it on good authority Doris is in fine health, just slowed down a bit with her broken arm. She’s going to be fine.”
“She was eighty a couple of weeks ago. Oh, shit, Adam is banging on the door. I have to go.”
“No more wine for you. Sun, sand and sex, if Adam will let you,” I laugh. “Go be with your man, Jenna. And please stop worrying about everyone else.”
“Okay. I’ll see you in a few days.”