Page 26 of His Long-Lost Baby
Why is it, then, that I feel so empty?
“So how’s it all going in the Big Bad Wolf’s office?” David asks as we leave the coffee shop.
I glance around, making sure no one from the office is nearby. “It’s… nice.”
“Really?” He raises an eyebrow, obviously not believing me.
I sigh. “James has pretty high expectations. It’s a lot to keep up with.”
David sips his latte as we walk down the cloudy street. “I bet. But you seem to be handling it well,” he says, giving me a reassuring grin.
I return the grin, but inside I’m struggling. It’s not just the workload that’s getting to me. It’s James.
Every time I see him, my heart races. Every time he smiles at me, my knees go weak. It’s like I’m back in high school with a crush on the popular boy.
But I’m not a teenager anymore. I’m a grown woman with a job to do. I can’t let my emotions get in the way.
“Hey, you okay?” David’s voice brings me back to reality.
I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just tired, I guess.”
“Well, maybe you need a break. Working here can be demanding, I know.”
I sigh. Yes, I would love a break, and I’m looking forward to exactly that. Tonight, as soon as I get home and the babysitter leaves, I’m making dinner and then crashing on the couch to watch a movie with Quinn. I don’t care about any laundry or dishes to do. Those will need to wait.
“I’m impressed you’ve lasted this long,” David says. “Two whole weeks.”
I stop walking. “What do you mean?”
He looks at me like it’s obvious. “You don’t know about the firing rate at GarrisTech?”
I shake my head, feeling a knot form in my stomach. “No, I don’t.”
David’s expression turns serious. “Well, let’s just say it’s not easy to keep your job here. James has a reputation for being a hard-ass.”
I swallow hard, thinking of James’s stern demeanor and unyielding expectations. “I had no idea.”
David gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t worry, Billie. You’re doing great. Just keep your head down and keep working hard.”
I nod, trying to push away the anxiety that’s starting to creep up inside me. I need this job. If I lose it then there goes my chances at getting the information I need.
I make a mental note to work even harder. To prove myself to James and to the rest of the company. I won’t be just another statistic on the firing-rate chart.
David and I part ways in the building, and I stride to James’s office. To my surprise, it’s empty. He must be taking his own break.
My heart speeds up. This is it. My opportunity to go through his office and see if I can find any medical information.
He told me he doesn’t have any issues, but how do I know he wasn’t lying and he was just trying to end the conversation?
I take a deep breath and slowly turn the handle of James’s office door. I step in, immediately noticing the scent of his cologne. It’s musky and rich, and I’m hit with the urge to bury my head in his neck and inhale deeply.
I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts, and begin to search through his desk drawers. I find nothing but paperwork, pens, and some knickknacks.
And no photos.