Page 65 of Leave Me Broken
“I didn’t. I asked if you would. I’m getting the feeling the answer is no.”
Another girlish scoff and she props up on her elbows and looks up at me. “Same thing, Ashley. I can’t believe you. You know we’re not even dating?”
“Then date me.” I move onto my knees needing the leverage over her.
“You’re my coach.”
Payson whimpers when I shift so I’m on all fours over her lower half, waiting to pounce.
“Date me in private until I’m not, then. Commit fully to me, Payson, and I will do the same.”
Her eyes track down my body, pausing on my arms for a moment until she finds my face again. “No more strip clubs.”
I’ll never forgive myself for that. Especially after finding out who the stripper was. The Burton girls are trouble but it’s my fault I let them be the trouble in my life. “Of course.”
She nods thoughtfully. “No more secrets.”
I’m level with her face now. “Parker and—” I sigh, hating that I have to mention her when we are having a good night. “Alyssa. That is all.” The only other thing I know that she doesn’t isn’t my place to tell her. I wish Jethro would have kept me out of it altogether.
“I want to know everything about you and Alyssa, one day, not today. You exhausted me in the ballpark.”
“I’ll answer anything you ask.” I don’t remember much from the time I spent with Alyssa, but I will tell Payson everything I can remember if it means she will officially be mine. Titles don’t mean a lot, but it’s a step in the right direction.
She twists her lips and her gaze falls from mine. “Okay, one question about Alyssa, then I want to hear the rest of the story you were telling me before you stopped to ask if I would marry you.” She nearly spits out marry, and it would make me smile if we weren’t talking about Alyssa.
“I believe you interrupted me, but go on.”
“Did you know she was eighteen? Like is the age gap something you’re into?”
This is a valid concern for her and shows just how mature she is. Why would she want to be involved with a man who got off on young girls? “No. I was at a bar, she was there. I was . . . very drunk. I was not aware she was eighteen. Young, maybe midtwenties in my drunken state, but I’m not into you because of your age, Payson. I have never wanted anyone that much younger than me. Obviously, having been with Alyssa and now you it seems I am lying but please believe me when I tell you I had no idea on her age.”
“I believe you,” she mutters, and it’s the best thing she’s ever said to me. “You’re only a pedophile for me. Got it.”
She giggles like that is the funniest thing she’s ever said. I take her moment of vulnerability and dive down, crushing her body under my weight. She gasps but continues to laugh. Her laugh is contagious but I’m not letting her get away with calling me a bloody pedophile. She cries out when I tickle her sides, but I don’t let up until my fingers cramp and fat tears pour from her eyes.
She sucks in a deep breath from not being able to while I tickled her. “You’re a pedophile and use your strength to overpower me.”
My eyes flare and my dick hardens more than it was from having her body thrust against mine while trying to get me off. Damn right I do.
“I like when you fight me.” I kiss the base of her ear. “And I like that I can take anything I want from you.” I snake an arm under her, teasing her ass before slipping a finger deeper. She gasps and squirms and it’s fucking beautiful. “I’ll show you a fucking pedophile, little girl.”
I grip her hips and flip her over on her stomach, not as rough as I’d like to be because of her knee. I even take my time to angle her in a way I know I won’t hurt her when I fall on top. Then I do. Not giving her all my weight but enough so she can’t move. Her ass recoils when I spank it and she moans into her pillow. I spank her again, loving how my palm burns and her flesh turns pink. Her shorts are so short I don’t have to pull them down to see her ass cheek because they have ridden up, but I do it anyway. Much to my pleasant surprise, she’s not wearing anything underneath, and when I toss them to the floor, she pulls her good leg up and arches her back so her ass is in the air. I spank her again.
“You want to repeat those words to Daddy again?” I spank her right over my reddened handprint, knowing this will probably bruise her, and I love it.
The beast she woke on parents’ night bangs against my chest, begging to come out. I growl. “No, what?”
She turns her head, and wild but innocent eyes meet mine. “No, Daddy.”
I groan loudly and palm her bruised ass in my hand, massaging the sore spot. On the edge of her ass are the bite marks Chanel must have been talking about. It’s not even that noticeable so she must have really been looking. The thought makes me angry. She was looking for a flaw so hard and all she found was my imprint on her ass.
“Bite me, Daddy. Leave more marks on my body,” she begs softly. “Please.”
I hold her eyes until my mouth is hovering over the spot with my mark already. I find the faded divots of my teeth on her otherwise smooth ass, and bite. The sweet scent of Payson permeates the air, and my eyes roll back. I don’t break the skin but I must come close because Payson shifts her ass like she’s in pain.
I pull back and she begs me to do it again. This is how I know our souls are one.