Page 67 of Kiss and Spell
“I know I don’t deserve it—but I need your help.” Ursula scrubbed a hand over her face. Here came the big ask. “Can you give me the recipe for the Cookie Jar Dreams?”
There was a tense pause. “No, but I can bake them. When do you need them by?”
Appreciation and love for her cousin welled up inside her chest. Ursula bit her cheek to keep from bawling. How could she have forgotten how awesome Sirena was?
Ursula shook her head, even though she was alone. “You’re busy with the restaurant and your wish. I don’t want to bother you with my cookie order.”
“I’ll still be busy tomorrow,” Sirena said matter of fact. “My wish is… fine. You haven’t asked for a favor in months, so I know it must be important if you’re calling.”
Callie jumped in on the line. “What sparked the leap? Was it something big?”
Oh, he was big, all right, and sturdy. She shivered under the recollection of his touch and his searching kiss. Heat pulsated between her thighs, leaving her speechless.
“Yo! Are you still there?” Sirena’s voice boomed from the phone, bringing her back.
Ursula paused too long to tell a believable lie. “Well, what had happened was… there’s a fae prince and we might have… kissed.”
Callie squealed. “You met a prince?! Did he spark you off?!”
Sirena laughed. “Ask her later. We only have a short window before that leap is lost for good. We’ve got to bake while the oven is hot.”
Ursula grinned at Nana’s familiar saying.
“Those cookies take so looong to make,” Callie said. “We’ll break open the family spell book, get out the crystals, and figure out what the universe is trying to tell you. Come over tomorrow night. We’ll make it a party! Two words: slumber party.”
“How old are we?” Sirena asked.
“Old enough that we can stay up all night,” Callie said. “I’m logging into Empty Fridge right now. I’m pre-ordering pizzas from Rapunzel’s! All this spell work is going to make us hungry. Tell me your favorite toppings again.”
Ursula hesitated. “I don’t want to make it awkward.”
She wasn’t ready to see Lucy just yet, unable to communicate how truly sorry she was for pushing her away. Neither Sirena nor Callie spoke for a second. Finally, Sirena’s voice came over the phone loud and clear.
“Don’t worry, Lucy’s still in DC,” Sirena said smoothly.
“Um—” Callie started, but Sirena cut her off.
“If you’re not ready to see her yet, then you don’t have to see her now. Come over. We miss you.”
“All right. I’ll see you tomorrow night,” Ursula said.
“I’m adding garlic knots to the pre-order!” Callie shouted.
Chapter Nineteen
Ursula didn’t want to hide behind the balloons by the front door but it seemed to be the best place right now. The ghosts of Ursula’s recent past walked around in the Night Sky Bistro holding cups of lemonade and plates of finger food while talking to each other. Every time another Walker friend or family member arrived at the birthday party, Ursula’s mouth dried up. The familiar sense of insecurity she always felt around the Walkers hovered around her head like a fine mist. It wasn’t strong, but it still lingered. They, with their designer purses and weekend vacations, seemed so perfect and on point in every way. She was still a work in progress, and she wasn’t going to go back to how she felt. Ursula reached into her dress pocket and rubbed the flat bloodstone between her thumb and forefinger.
Give me confidence.
She slid behind the tart orange and ocean blue balloon display and scrolled the web. Her phone beeped. Sirena texted her an update. The cookie dough was resting, and she’d have a batch ready shortly before bedtime. The magic took at least twenty-four hours to take effect, so Sirena invited Ursula to stay over for a few days in case she needed help.
Soon, the leap would be revealed.
Doubt filled Ursula once she saw Sirena’s update text. All her earlier confidence ebbed away, and she was left feeling super scared and nervous. Ursula couldn’t stop asking herself questions.
What if the leap was terrible?
What if your subconscious is trying to protect you from a disappointing future?