Page 68 of Kiss and Spell
Do you really want to see what the future holds?
It wasn’t long before Ursula was joined by Gwen. She wore a floral dress that showed off her curvy shape and her trademark ballet flats. Her hair was twisted up into a high bun.
Gwen carried a tray of mini quiches and spinach-filled triangles. “Where’s your cutie?”
Ursula grimaced and held up her phone. “Xavier’s running late.”
Gwen pouted. “I hope he doesn’t miss the appetizers. We’re running low.”
“I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” Ursula said a little too sharply. She had a lot going on. In between talking to her cousins again, thinking about the slumber party, and of course the Kiss that Made Her Leap through Time, Ursula felt like her head was spinning.
Gwen stopped and studied her. “You’re vibing. What’s going on?”
“Um… I made out with Xavier.”
Gwen handed her tray off to a server. Her eyebrows jumped to her hairline. “Why aren’t you making out with him right now?”
Good question. She didn’t want to kiss him again until she figured out what she saw and experienced in the leap.
“Shouldn’t you get back to the party?” Ursula asked.
Gwen looked over her shoulder and then swiveled back to Ursula. “We can take a break. The birthday boy’s having a great time; everyone’s fed and having fun.”
Ursula searched the bistro and spotted Lincoln and Zoe. They were busy talking to guests and eating off each other’s plates. Without a doubt, she knew that they were the goofy couple who wore matching pajamas and took family photos. Ursula watched them for a long moment, a vision of their future holiday card and a possible elopement within the next two years appeared in her mind’s eye. She smiled to herself, sincerely excited for the path ahead of them.
Gwen made air quotes around a few words. “If anyone asks, I’m addressing a guest’s complaint. So, start complaining, guest.”
“Well, after I kissed him, I leapt,” Ursula said.
Gwen stepped closer. “What did you see? Did I look good? Am I super rich?”
Ursula winced. “I don’t remember anything. It’s super hazy.”
“Does Xavier know?”
“I was freaked out about the leap; I didn’t say anything.” Ursula made a face. “Should he know?”
“Tell him,” Gwen said. “It might help you decide what you want from each other.”
She had a point. Ursula didn’t even know if their kiss was perfect enough to break the enchantment. Not that she minded making out with Xavier, but she wanted to know what he wanted. She’d already told him she wasn’t looking for anything serious, but that was before the leap. Doubt bubbled up within her once again. He told you he didn’t believe in love. You won’t settle for less. Do you really want to see a future without him?
Maybe she should leave the leap alone.
Ursula wrinkled her face. “Sirena and Callie are helping me figure it out. I’m seeing them soon, I think. I might reschedule—I don’t know. I said I’d go but—”
Gwen held out her hand. “Give me your phone.”
Ursula gripped it. “What are you going to do?”
“You’re overthinking. I’m not going to let you chicken out of seeing them,” Gwen said firmly. She made a grabby hands motion for Ursula’s cell. “Give it or I’ll make a scene.”
Ursula handed it over.
Gwen set a timer for ninety minutes, turned up the sound, then handed it back. “I need to know what the future holds for you and for me. You’ve got an hour and a half to shake hands, kiss babies, and make good with the Walkers. If you don’t leave when the timer goes off, I’ll play your slam poetry performance from college on my phone.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Ursula laughed with disbelief.
The bistro door opened, and more guests arrived, letting in a gust of air. The balloons swayed and popped Ursula in the back. She moved to the side so that they stood by the front window and away from any future balloon attacks.