Page 15 of Chloe
After seeing all the other wonders of the center so far, she had to admit that she was excited to see what was waiting for them up ahead.
“Yes,” she told him, taking his hand.
Without another word, they turned back and got some distance from the bump. When they turned back, she would have sworn it was even higher than before.
“You’ve got this,” he told her, squeezing her hand. “Let’s go.”
Sending a quick prayer to Mother Stars that they didn’t both break their legs, Chloe leaned forward and pushed off as hard as she could. Jubal managed to match her speed perfectly.
Together, they flew toward the bump.
“Jubal,” she screamed as they reached it.
But although it looked like a rounded bump reaching half a meter off the road, it felt more like a ramp as they sailed up it.
Jubal let out a shrieking laugh as they were launched into the air.
Chloe clung to his hand, too horrified to even scream as they sailed higher and higher.
She instinctively bent her knees when they finally dropped.
To her intense surprise, she landed hard on both skates and kept rolling.
“Yes,” Jubal yelled, his deep voice full of delight.
“Another one,” she squeaked, looking ahead.
“Hold on tight,” he told her, as if he was going to try to skate them faster.
They were already rocketing down the road at an incredible speed.
When they hit the second bump, it ramped them up even higher.
This time, Chloe was able to enjoy the feeling of weightlessness a bit before fear gripped her again on the landing.
But the road seemed to almost soften under her feet, and the beautiful countryside flew by.
Laughter bubbled up in her chest.
“Wooo,” Jubal yelled.
She let her laughter out and it flew from her mouth as if it were being sucked out of her by the speed at which they were traveling.
“There it is,” Jubal told her, squeezing her hand.
The next ramp sent them flying so high they seemed to be about to crash into the branches of an old sycamore tree.
“Jubal,” she screamed, clinging to his hand.
But they landed on what must have been an invisible ramp that looped them around the tree and up into the air again.
They were up so high that for a moment she could see what looked like a city ahead. It was as if the countryside ended suddenly, and a city street opened up between massive buildings.
All of this was created by Oberon, she reminded herself.
But it all felt so real.
Gravity took over and they were falling, falling, falling…