Page 16 of Chloe
Chloe felt fear and anticipation in a thrilling mix that had her screaming with laughter as they landed on another invisible ledge and were launched toward the city again.
“You okay?” Jubal yelled to her, mid-air.
“Yes,” she screamed, shaking her head so her hair could fly out behind her instead of getting in her eyes.
He nodded and there was a gleam of something like respect in his eyes, though what she could have possibly done to earn his respect while screaming her head off flying through the air, she had no idea.
* * *
They skated on for what could have been minutes or hours.
Just as the thrill began to wear off, Chloe felt her skates hit solid ground again without relaunching.
“Almost there,” Jubal said, pointing to the streets of city buildings they were about to enter.
“I wonder what’s going on in there,” Chloe said.
The city had a bit of a spooky feeling, but she couldn’t put her finger on why. Everything looked clean and bright, and well-maintained. Was it just that the sun was rapidly setting?
It hit her then that they could see the buildings clearly now, but the streets were empty, and there were no people anywhere. Even in the coming darkness, no lights illuminated the windows of the massive buildings.
“Now the zombies come,” Jubal said.
She turned to him in horror.
“Kidding,” he laughed. “I’m kidding. You have to pay extra for zombies.”
She looked at him for another moment, then broke into laughter, too.
Suddenly, the sidewalk on their right lit up.
“I guess that’s our sign,” Chloe said, regaining her composure.
As she stepped up over the curb, the wheels on her skates cleverly folded themselves into the soles of the shoe.
Jubal’s did the same when he followed.
“Whoa,” he said, looking down at his feet.
“Oberon is something else,” Chloe said, smiling.
She wasn’t sure, but she swore the light in the sidewalk shone a little brighter for a moment.
“Look,” Jubal said, pointing ahead.
The light turned down an alleyway into the darkness.
Chloe couldn’t help noticing that Jubal didn’t let go of her hand as they followed the light down the abandoned alleyway toward the warehouse.
It was strange. The whole time she’d been here so far, Oberon had shown her only the most beautiful parts of his world. Her loft, the beach, a field of wildflowers.
But now they were entering territory that seemed almost dangerous.
Was this designed for Jubal?