Page 51 of Merciless
With my arms wrapped around my middle, I curl up in a ball, willing the sharp pains in my empty stomach to abate.
But unsurprisingly, it does very little to help.
I really thought JD was going to come back and bring me food. The notebook might have been a bit of an ask, but I really thought he was going to feed me.
Stupid, stupid, naïve little Alana.Always seeing the good that doesn’t exist in people and being taken in by a pretty face.
Just when I think I’m winning, another man comes along and kicks me where it hurts the most, proving to me that none of them can be trusted.
Not a single one.
By the time the door lock rattles, I’m beyond empty. Not only does my stomach feel like it’s eating itself, but my chest aches and my eyes burn from the number of tears I’ve shed.
The door swings open and I keep my back to whoever has finally turned up to check on me. I tell myself that I don’t care about anything they might have finally brought or anything they have to say.
But then that scent hits me.
A scent I can’t ignore.
My mouth waters and my stomach rumbles so loudly I’m pretty sure it bounces off the walls.
A deep, cocky chuckle hits my ears, but I don’t care.
Everything I told myself about men and their inability to follow through on anything flies straight out the window.
Flipping over, I barely see which asshole has invited himself into my cell. My focus is solely on the bag in his hand.
“I didn’t know what you wanted so I just got—”
The second he’s close enough, I snatch the bag from his hands and set it on my lap.
Ripping into it, I breathe in deeply, letting the greasy addictive scent of burger and fries flow through my nose.
Stuffing my hand inside, I grab a load of fries and lift them to my mouth.
I don’t give a shit how I look. I just need to eat.
“Oh my God.” I groan around the mouthful of crisp, salty goodness.
JD chuckles again, his attention burning the side of my face. But I don’t look over. I can’t. My focus is fully locked on the double cheeseburger I pull out of the box.
I’m pretty sure it’s the best burger I’ve ever tasted. The moan of pleasure as I chew is nothing but obscene.
“You really like the meat, huh?” JD deadpans as I practically inhale the entire thing.
“Shut the fuck up,” I mutter, diving back into the bag to find what other delights he might have got me. “Jesus, did you order one of everything on the menu?” I ask, appreciating just how big this bag is and how much food is inside.
“Not quite. Like I said, I wasn’t sure what you liked. And,” he says, reaching for the bag that I’m unwilling to let go, “some of it is for me.”
“Hey,” I complain, clutching the bag to my chest like it’s my lifeline.
“Just one burger?” he asks, giving me his best pouty face.
“Don’t tell me that actually works with girls.” I snort.
“I don’t usually have to beg for food,” he reasons.