Page 53 of Only for Christmas
‘No?’ He started singing, ‘I’m… dreaming of a… white… Christmas…’
Fred started barking and Sarah started laughing. ‘Are you going to let me watch this film, or not?’
He grinned. ‘I am.’
She rested her head against his shoulder and he felt her body relax. He’d missed this, getting cosy with a woman. It was nice. He brushed her hair away from her eyes and left his hand resting on her head, gently stroking her hair. She didn’t object.
Fred jumped off the chair and joined them on the bed, curling up next to Sarah. They were just like a little family.
The film began playing and he switched off the side lamp. This was turning into a much better Friday evening than he’d imagined.
He’d just settled in next to her, smiling as her arm slid across his chest, when the doorbell rang.
His curry had arrived. And just when things were getting cosy.
Chapter Eleven
Sunday, 18th December
Sarah woke with a jolt after a restless night’s sleep. At least she was in her own bed – unlike yesterday when she’d woken up in Lucas’s. The thought made her groan. She hadn’t intended to stay the night, but her battered state, coupled with strong painkillers and watching a soppy film, had lured her into sleep. The next thing she’d known, it was morning.
She’d rapidly escaped, needing space to gather her thoughts and prevent Lucas from getting the wrong idea, because however grateful she was for his caring attentions after her fall, cuddling up next to him and allowing him to stroke her arm and gently brush her hair wasn’t behaviour she should be encouraging.
Once safely away from his hypnotic voice and muscular warm arms, she’d been able to think straight. Of sorts, anyway. It had taken a cold shower and a stern talking-to, but her defences were back in place. He was a nice guy. A really nice guy, and she welcomed his friendship. It was good for her: a way of regaining her trust and allowing her barriers to lower slightly. Ever so slightly.
As for anything else, she wasn’t ready to venture back into the world of real dating. And besides, Lucas was leaving for the US soon, so there was no point getting too attached.
A day on the sofa watching TV had improved her spirits. She was still sore from her fall, but the strapping Lucas had applied to her wrist was helping to limit the pain, and her forehead had stopped bleeding. Feeling more mobile, she’d taken Fred for a walk and was now pondering how to spend the rest of her Sunday without dwelling on the issue of Stephen Stokes. The idea of facing him at work tomorrow made her feel sick. She still couldn’t shake the idea that it had been him lurking in the service area Friday night.
A knock on the door sent Fred into a frenzy of excitement.
Shushing him, she headed over to answer it. So far no one had grassed her up to the landlord for having a dog staying with her, but she didn’t want to push her luck.
‘Morning!’ Lucas sang as she opened the door, his beaming smile the only bright element on an otherwise murky December day. ‘How are you feeling?’
‘Better, thanks.’ She stepped back to let him in, no longer averse to his visits. ‘Did you have a good day yesterday?’
‘I did, thanks.’ He placed a large delivery box on the floor, crouching down to make a fuss of Fred. ‘Harper took your advice and booked herself a spa day, so I took the boys swimming. We went to the theatre afterwards to see Elf, the musical.’
She couldn’t help smiling at his enthusiasm. ‘Sounds like a fun day.’
‘It was.’ He stood up and focused on her face. ‘Any dizzy spells? Headaches? Nausea?’
The intensity of his stare was too much on a Sunday morning. She was in danger of coming over dizzy again, and not from the concussion. ‘Nope, all good.’
He lifted her hand. ‘How’s the swelling?’
‘Reducing. It’s turning an attractive purple colour now.’ She let him inspect her wrist, knowing there was little point making a fuss. He’d only switch on the charm and coerce her into letting him check her over, so why bother fighting it? Besides, he had soft hands. ‘See, all good.’
He adjusted the strapping. ‘In which case, do you fancy a trip out?’
She frowned. ‘A trip out where, exactly?’
‘It’s a surprise. We’ll only be gone a couple of hours. It’s indoors so you won’t get wet, and I’ve borrowed my sister’s car, so no Underground to contend with.’
‘You’re going to drive?’ She lifted her eyebrows. ‘Is that wise?’
‘Sometimes you have to live dangerously,’ he said, making her laugh. ‘Is that a yes?’