Page 54 of Only for Christmas
Her instinct was to refuse, but that’s because she’d got into the habit of saying no to everything. Denying herself any opportunity to have fun was her default setting these days. But as Lucas had pointed out, punishing herself only allowed Josh to continue wielding power over her. It was time for that to stop. ‘I’ll fetch my coat.’
‘Wow, that was easy. I expected a fight.’ He pulled out an envelope from his pocket. ‘By the way, this was sticking out of your mailbox downstairs.’ She caught a waft of fabric softener as he handed her the gold envelope. He was wearing a soft green hoodie and relaxed jeans, the epitome of sports casual. ‘It’s an invite to the hospital’s fundraising ball. I had one too. Sounds fun.’
Sarah tore open the envelope and read the card. True enough, it was an invitation to the ball, scripted in fancy glitter lettering and no doubt costing a fortune to produce. The sales team’s motto was that you had to spend big to win big. The more an event cost, the more prestigious it appeared, attracting a more affluent crowd. Auctions at these events historically generated thousands.
It wasn’t an event she’d been looking forward to. Everyone in couples, dancing the night away to a festive theme. No, thanks. It was a trigger on several levels. But as head of HR, she was expected to attend.
Sighing, she turned over the card, recoiling when she saw the hand-written message on the back.
Pick you up at 7 p.m. Hope the dress fits. Stephen x
Oblivious to her shock, Lucas picked up the box. ‘I almost forgot, this parcel came for you. It was left by the front door. Someone must have dropped it off; there’s no courier stamp. Just your name and apartment number.’
Sarah stared at the box. Stephen had sent her a dress? What was he thinking? This was a whole new level of impropriety.
Her silence must have alerted Lucas to her distress. ‘What’s wrong? Why have you paled?’
Wordlessly, she handed him the invite.
He read the message. ‘Jeez, that guy really can’t take a hint.’
‘What am I going to do?’ She stumbled towards the sofa, needing to sit down, before she fell down.
He followed her into the lounge. ‘Report him for harassment.’
She blinked furiously, trying to clear her head. ‘I know that’s what I should do, but he’s the boss. I’d have to report him to the board of directors, most of whom are men. It’ll be my word against his, and they’re bound to take his side over mine.’ She rubbed her face. ‘I’ll just have to miss the ball.’
‘And let him bully you?’ Lucas knelt in front of her and took hold of her uninjured hand. ‘Avoiding the situation will only prolong it.’
She shook her head. ‘I can’t face him.’
‘Not on your own, you can’t. But you won’t be on your own, will you? You’ll have me there. He won’t try anything if I’m with you.’
‘The ball isn’t until Friday. I can’t avoid him all week.’
‘Then don’t go to work. You’ve had a fall, you’ve got concussion. As your doctor, I’m recommending a week’s rest.’
She slumped against the sofa. ‘I certainly don’t feel like going to work at the moment.’
‘Then don’t. Stay home. I’ve only got a couple of locum shifts this week. We can hang out and you can show me the sights of London I’ve missed.’ He tried for a smile, but she could also see concern in his eyes.
‘I’d feel guilty taking time off work.’
He tilted his head. ‘When was the last time you took time off?’
She thought about it. ‘I haven’t taken any time off this year. Not even annual leave. I’m owed so much time I never get a chance to take it; I’m too busy.’
‘Then a week is well overdue.’ He moved to sit next to her on the sofa. ‘Take the time off, Sarah. Remember what you said to Harper about self-care? It’s time to put yourself first.’
She rolled her head to look at him. ‘What about the dress?’
‘Leave that to me.’ He slid his arm around her. ‘I’ll hand it back to him personally tomorrow. I’ll make it clear I don’t appreciate him sending gifts to my girl.’
It was rather alarming to have him looking at her with such a serious expression. Especially when the moment extended into a very long, very intense stare. ‘You can’t do that,’ she whispered, finding it hard to swallow.
‘Why not? He’s the one acting inappropriate. And it’s not like I’ve anything to lose; I’m only here another couple weeks, then I’m gone.’
She looked away, trying not to feel disappointed. ‘This is my battle, not yours.’