Page 55 of Only for Christmas
‘And you’ve tried dealing with it, but he isn’t getting the message. Maybe me confronting him will get through that dense skull of his.’
Accepting Lucas’s help didn’t feel very empowering. She should be able to handle the likes of Stephen herself, but she was at a loss as to what else to try. Maybe she did need his help.
‘How about this?’ He shifted position. ‘Take the week off. Spend the time relaxing and having some fun, and then we’ll go to the ball together. We’ll act like, you know, all loved up, and make it clear to Stephen and anyone else watching that you’re not interested in him.’
‘And if he still doesn’t get the message?’
‘Then you’ve no option but to report him.’ His expression softened. ‘He came to your home, Sarah. You have physical evidence to back up your complaint. Written evidence too, with the invite, his emails, the dress. It’s enough to support your claim.’
The idea filled her with dread, but she knew he was right. ‘I don’t want it to come to that. I love my job; I don’t want to ruffle feathers.’
‘I know, but this is getting serious. Sending you a dress? That’s plain creepy.’
She closed her eyes. ‘You’re right, I know.’
‘For now, try not to think about it.’ He gently lifted her hand and kissed it. ‘Let’s go on our trip and forget about Stephen Stokes. He’s a problem for another day. Okay?’
‘Okay.’ Opening her eyes, she slid away from him, alarmed by the buzz being kissed had set off in her blood. ‘I’ll fetch my coat.’
Leaving Fred tucked up on the sofa with treats, they headed out of the building and into the damp December air.
It was hard to shake off the impending sense of doom she felt at the Stephen situation. She had a feeling that avoidance was only going to get her so far. But what was the solution? Why was it so hard for him to accept she wasn’t interested?
Despite her gloomy mood, she couldn’t help smiling when she saw Harper’s car parked at the roadside, one wheel bumped onto the kerb. ‘Seriously? You’re intending to drive that beast? What is it, anyhow?’
‘It’s a Bentley, and I’m getting the hang of it,’ he said, bleeping the key-fob to unlock the doors with a loud thunk. ‘If only there wasn’t so much traffic in London. It would help if the roads were wider. And why are the parking spaces so small? How does anyone manage to park over here?’
She pointed to the faded brick sign at the top of the three-storey Victorian dwelling, depicting the build date. ‘You do realise these houses were built long before cars were invented? Putney can be traced back to the Domesday Book of 1086 when there were only dirt tracks for horses and carriages.’
He feigned shock. ‘London is that old? You don’t say?’ He opened the door for her.
‘I might’ve known you’d respond with sarcasm,’ she said, easing herself into the car. ‘But Putney has a fascinating past, I’ll have you know. It was the headquarters for Oliver Cromwell’s New Model Army.’
Lucas extended the seatbelt for her and held it slack while she plugged it in. ‘Bit of a history buff, huh?’
‘Not really, I just think it’s important to know about where you live… and why the roads aren’t wider,’ she said, failing to supress a laugh.
‘Point taken. I’ll refrain from commenting on road widths in future.’ He climbed into the driver’s side and started the engine. As he pulled away, a passing car honked their horn. ‘Left-hand side, Lucas. Pay attention.’
‘I thought it was just me who talked to themselves. Is it catching?’
‘Yes. You’re a bad influence.’ The car jolted as he edged into the traffic, constantly looking around. It was amusing to watch him floundering; he was normally so assured.
She waited until they’d headed away from Putney and joined the A3 before glancing over. ‘What about where you’re from? Minnesota must have its own history. What’s it like?’
‘Where do I begin?’ He turned up the heater. ‘It’s a big state for a start, the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes. Most people know it because of the Mall of America, the largest shopping mall in the US.’
‘You mean, bigger than the Putney Exchange?’
He grinned. ‘A hundred times the size. Further away from the cities, the terrain varies depending where you are. My previous job was working at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.’ He visibly ducked when a lorry sped by, making the car shudder. ‘It’s a rural area, with a Western theme. There’s a bunch of farmer’s markets and hobby farms too. It’s big on agriculture. Plenty of rodeos. You like horseback riding?’
‘Never been.’
He glanced over. ‘Nothing like heading out on horseback to experience nature.’
‘I can’t imagine you in a cowboy hat. You’re more male model than rustic rancher.’
‘You making fun of me?’ He gripped the steering wheel when a car cut them up.