Page 105 of Voyeur
Honor nodded and said, “I’ll clean out one of the dresser drawers and some space in the closet. I know you have to dress up for openings and stuff. You can keep clothes here for that if you want.”
Silver smiled wide and said, “You want me around more.”
“Shut up.” Honor laughed before she sobered and added, “Yes, I do. If you want, we can buy something else.”
“What?” Silver ran her hand over Honor’s neck.
“I only have a couple of things here, so they fit in the small drawer.” She nodded toward her bedside table. “We could buy a trunk, like the one you have at your place, or something else, and put… stuff in there.”
“Stuff? No, you have to say it, Honor Wrenley. What do you want to put in that trunk we’re buying?”
“Every sex toy ever made, if you want, because I want you to make me come with them all,” she teased back.
Silver’s eyebrows froze in place, high on her forehead.
Honor Wrenley: The bar woman’s name is Lara.
Silver Kincade: And?
Honor Wrenley: I saw her just now, when I was at a venue for one of our events. We talked for a few minutes, and she invited me over to her place. Now. Well, for lunch, but not lunch.
Silver smirked and said, “Fuck. This is it.”
Silver Kincade: And?
Honor Wrenley: I said yes.
Silver Kincade: I’m at Brandi and Dev’s. Just Brandi.
Honor Wrenley: It’s okay? Yeah?
Silver smiled softly and typed.
Honor Wrenley: Tonight? You and me?
Silver Kincade: Definitely. My place?
Honor agreed, and Silver tucked her phone into her back pocket before she opened the door she knew would be unlocked.
“Hey, you’re a little later than I thought you’d be,” Brandi said from the kitchen where she was pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge.
“At work, like I told you. You’re just lucky I only had a half-day today. Bedroom or sofa?”
“Sofa,” Silver replied.
“We’ve hardly seen you since you got into your serious relationship there, Silver.” Brandi removed her shirt, showing off her small breasts to Silver.
“I saw you and Dev three days ago.”
“Not for this,” Brandi argued as she slipped out of her pants and underwear at the same time, leaving herself nude and, apparently, more than ready for Silver. “How much time do we have?”
“An hour. I have to get back to work after that.” Silver pulled off her own shirt and sat on the sofa, leaving her bare breasts exposed to the cool air in the apartment.
“Best make the most of it, then.” Brandi knelt in front of her and undid Silver’s jeans. “How is it, by the way? Your new relationship?”