Page 118 of Voyeur
“Then, what? Victor Andrews? I know I kind of got in your way there, interrupted the conversation, but I wanted to see if I could help. Are you pissed? You got the donation.”
“Do you really come from money?”
Silver stood there in her undershirt, bra, and boxer briefs and replied, “No. Why? Hoping for a sugar mama? I just know his type, so I went with it. He won’t question it because he didn’t come from money, either.”
“So, you lied to my new top donor?”
“Yes. And it’ll be fine. I’ve done this before. Do you know how many people think my parents came from money and that I know exactly which fork to use at fancy dinners when I definitely don’t? Is that what you’re mad about? I promise, he won’t even remember that part of the night. He had three more bourbons that I noticed.”
“I’m not mad about that, Silver.”
“But you’re mad about something?”
“Yes, I am,” Honor stated and sat down on the bed.
“Babe, tell me.”
“You can’t bring that part of our life into this part of mine.”
“The bartender.”
“What bartender?”
“The woman who was pouring you champagne all night, moving around the guy bartender to make sure she was the one who took your order, the one you were flirting with, and when she went on her break, the one you went into the kitchen with.”
Silver swallowed.
That night, Honor had been very impressed with her girlfriend. Silver had fit right in with the crowd, and despite Honor’s worries about people finding out she was gay and at the event with a woman, things had gone fine. No one had asked any questions. There had been a few stares, but not all that many, and Silver had been part of the reason why. She had this ability to adapt to every situation and conversation, so those stares didn’t last long because she’d managed to charm whoever was doing the staring.
Honor had been busy with Victor Andrews for most of the night, discussing his donation; the amount, what it would go do, how they would handle the PR surrounding it, and more. She figured Silver would keep herself busy by talking to someone else at the party and wasn’t worried about her until Victor got up from the table to take a call and Honor turned to see one bartender practically pushing the other bartender out of the way in order to serve Silver.
The expression on that woman’s face and the fact that she leaned over the bar and laughed at whatever Silver had said told Honor that she was definitely interested. When Victor returned, Honor hadn’t been able to stay focused on him for long because the bartender had approached Silver. They’d talked for a few minutes, which was against the rules here: the employees weren’t supposed to fraternize with the guests. Then, without even a glance in Honor’s direction, Silver took off with the woman toward the kitchen, and Honor was sure she’d never felt so jealous and so heartbroken at the same time.
Not only had Silver not at least texted her that she was about to have sex with someone, but she hadn’t even looked over at Honor first. On top of that, she’d done this at the most important event of the year for Honor. If Honor didn’t bring in enough money from that party, caregivers would lose out on the support they needed, and Honor could end up out of a job if she couldn’t show that she was good at it. Silver had fucked someone who was technically employed by Honor’s company for that night while Honor had been inside, trying to secure the biggest donation of her career.
“Silver, I know we have an open relationship when it comes to sex, but what you did… It hurt.”
“Honor, I–”
“No, just hear me out. I know we can be with whomever whenever. And that’s fine. I like that. I just thought we had an unspoken rule not to mess with the other person’s job or do something that could interfere with that part of our lives. Like, I’d never go to one of your shows and flirt with the artist in order to get her into bed.”
“Honor, I didn’t sleep with her,” Silver told her.
“She knew me from the show. She was asking me questions about the performance and if we’d do it again. She was there the night I fucked Stephanie and the one after that, too. She recognized me, babe.”
“Shit,” Honor said.
“I saw someone who looked like he might have been listening, so I asked if she wanted to go somewhere, but I didn’t sleep with her. We went through the kitchen, yeah. I took her outside, and she asked if I was busy after the party. I told her yes. Then, I answered a few of her questions about the show, and that was it. When she asked for my number, I told her no. I was polite about it, but I still said no.” Silver sat down next to Honor, looking defeated. “Did you really think I’d fuck someone at your party? I was there with you, Honor. I was there for you.”
“I’m sorry. I just saw her hanging over you, and you were–”
“Being nice because I knew the event was important for you, and I pulled her outside so that no one else would overhear her talking about how I fucked people in some sex show. I didn’t want people to take that the wrong way and then, see me leaving with you. They’d judge what they don’t understand.”