Page 124 of Voyeur
“Yeah. We went out once, right after I met Silver and was, well, a little overwhelmed with how she made me feel.” Honor smiled over at Silver, who smiled back.
“Silver can be very overwhelming.” Brandi’s hand moved up Honor’s thigh.
“But in the best way, usually,” Devin added as her hand moved into Honor’s hair where she played with the strands.
Honor looked over at Silver and said, “I agree with that. Her mouth is just…” Honor’s legs spread a little.
Silver looked down and licked her lips.
“Very talented,” Brandi finished for her and slid her hand up even higher until it was at the apex of Honor’s thighs. “You seem like you might want it now.”
“I always want it,” Honor stated as she continued to stare at Silver.
Brandi undid the top button of Honor’s jeans, waited a moment for Honor to say no, and then unzipped them.
“Are you already wet for her, baby?” Brandi asked.
Honor nodded and said, “You can check for yourself, if you want.”
Silver held on to her bottom lip with her teeth. Brandi turned to look at her then and lifted her eyebrow at her before she slid her hand into Honor’s panties. Silver leaned forward, wanting to know what she’d find there.
“Fuck,” Brandi said. “Are you this wet for her all the time?”
Honor closed her eyes for a second before she opened them and stared with dark eyes at Silver.
Devin’s free hand was undoing the buttons of Honor’s shirt while Brandi’s hand stayed inside her panties, stroking her. Silver knew that because she could see the hand moving against Honor through the open jeans and the white cotton panties her girlfriend had worn that night. Devin had Honor’s shirt pulled apart in seconds, revealing her equally-white bra and the bare expanse of skin that Silver was dying to touch. Then, Devin’s lips moved to Honor’s neck, and she kissed Honor there while her hand slipped a breast out of the bra cup and she began massaging.
“Oh, fuck,” Silver whispered but knew they’d all heard it.
“Silver, baby, get over here and give her what she wants,” Brandi instructed.
Silver continued to watch Brandi’s hand moving inside Honor’s panties. Then, she stood up and sauntered over to where the three of them were now busy on the sofa. She slowly picked up the wineglasses and set them on the TV stand before she pulled the coffee table away to give herself the space she needed. Devin’s lips were on Honor’s breast now, and Brandi was kissing her. Silver wanted to be jealous because this kiss was passionate and heated, but because they knew one another, it was also a little softer than Silver would’ve liked. Honor was hers to kiss softly. She decided to use this jealousy to her advantage and knelt in front of her girlfriend. She pulled off Honor’s shoes and let them thud against the floor. Then, she yanked at her jeans, wanting Honor to know that she was about to take her and make Honor her own.
“You want it hard, baby.” Silver said and watched Brandi’s hand in Honor’s panties.
“Yes,” Honor said, pulling out of the kiss.
“It wasn’t a question,” Silver replied. “I’m taking you hard.” She pulled Honor’s panties off, grabbed Honor’s ass, and lowered her mouth to taste her.
Devin’s mouth was on one of her breasts, and she was sucking on Honor’s nipple. Brandi’s hand was on Honor’s other breast and was wet with Honor’s arousal. That nipple was rock-hard now, and Brandi’s lips found it as well. Two women sucking on her nipples at the same time Silver was sucking hard on her clit almost had Honor asking Silver to stop, but she didn’t. She knew Silver needed this. She’d been jealous; Honor could tell. Now, Silver was claiming Honor’s most intimate spot with her mouth, and she was grunting and moaning against Honor, continuing to shift her to give herself better access. Honor wanted this to last all night, but she was already close, and she knew that as soon as she came, it would be over. Silver would stop sucking on her. Brandi and Devin would no longer be making her breasts feel heavy and full with need.
Honor couldn’t hold back, though, and far too soon, she was coming. She screamed Silver’s name, causing Silver to moan loudly again, but Silver kept sucking. There was raw, animalistic desire there, but Honor knew that if her girlfriend didn’t at least slow down, she’d be too sore to come again, and this was only the beginning of their night. So, she gripped Silver’s hair and pulled her face up. Silver’s eyes were the darkest Honor had ever seen them be, and Honor could relate. The lips on her breasts were gone now, but Honor only had eyes for Silver.
“Take everything off,” Honor told her.
Silver nodded and stood up, stripping. Brandi moved over to straddle Devin, and they started kissing. Brandi’s hand went back to Honor’s breast, though, and Devin’s was on Honor’s thigh now. When Honor moved it up to cup herself, Devin dragged a finger through her wetness while Silver looked on, still with jealousy in her eyes.
“Sit,” Honor let out as she continued to catch her breath from her first orgasm and the fact that Devin was still stroking her sensitive clit.
Silver sat down next to her then, and Honor shifted Devin’s hand away. When Brandi let go of her breast next, Honor climbed into Silver’s lap. Silver took this as an opportunity to remove the bra and the shirt that had been dangling off Honor, leaving her naked as a result, and Honor kissed her slow and deep, letting Silver know that she was hers. Honor would always be hers.
Minutes later, Honor heard the sounds of sex around them, so she pulled out of the kiss to see that both of the other women in the room were nude, and Devin was inside Brandi, who was fucking herself on Devin’s fingers. Silver moved her own fingers to Honor’s entrance then, and Honor slipped over them.
“Fuck, baby,” Brandi said.