Page 17 of Voyeur
“Yes.” Honor nodded as well for good measure. “I endured more than I enjoyed.”
“Well, I’ve never been with a guy, so I don’t know that I can speak much to that, but I don’t think it’s just a guy thing. Some women aren’t good in bed, either. I’ve been with a few of them where I felt like I had to endure sex. Probably should’ve just left, but I didn’t want to be rude.”
“Oh. Really?”
“Yeah. Not everyone is meant to have sex with everyone else, you know? Like, maybe the woman who couldn’t seem to find my clit with her mouth – even though she has one of her own – wasn’t meant to go down on me but is an expert with someone else. Maybe they’re even fucking right now, and it’s awesome.”
“She couldn’t find…”
“I’m exaggerating.” Silver shrugged. “She was down there for a long time, and it could’ve been me, obviously, but nothing was happening down there. Eventually, I told her, and she stopped. I’d already fucked her, but I felt bad because I could tell she felt bad, so I fucked her again and left after that. She seemed fine and, well, you know, taken care of.”
“Are you bragging now? Is this you bragging?”
Silver laughed and replied, “No, just relaying the story. She seemed more than happy when I zipped up my jeans and turned to go.”
“Because you’d fucked her?”
“Yes. Hard, how she liked.”
“Oh,” Honor uttered.
Silver recognized this word was the one Honor used when she was nervous or didn’t know what else to say.
“Do you want to hear more?” she asked.
Honor shifted on the bed and said, “Maybe not that story.”
“But another one?” Silver asked, hopeful.
“Um… Yeah. Is that okay?”
“Yes, more than okay,” Silver replied. “What do you want to hear about?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know what to ask for, I guess. This feels really wrong.”
“It’s not,” Silver said quickly. She then placed her hand on the small of Honor’s back, rubbed it, and dropped her hand away just as quickly. “I’ll make you a deal, though – I’ll tell you a story if you tell me why you came here tonight and last night.”
“I think you know,” Honor suggested.
“I want to hear you say it,” Silver told her.
Honor sighed and replied, “I was curious. I’ve never even heard of anything like this before. And you already know that my sex life has been pretty lackluster and that I’ve never been with a woman, which is embarrassing because I’m thirty years old. I guess I hoped I’d get to see two women having sex here.”
“To see it in person and not in some lame porno.”
Silver laughed and said, “I get that.”
“And to maybe learn some things, too,” Honor added.
“Like how to touch a woman?”
“How to make her come?”
“Yes,” Honor whispered softly this time.