Page 36 of Protective Cowboy
“It’s showtime,” Matt whispered. “Codeword: Daisy.”
“Oh, yeah?” she challenged him.
He smiled at her, his eyes glinting with mischief in the porch light. For a moment, she saw the boy he’d once been.
The one who’d held her hand at the county fair and won her a stuffed bear at the ring toss. The one who’d given her his jeans jacket on cold autumn nights while they sat on the tailgate of his pickup, gazing up at the stars.
“It’s the Fredericksons,” he explained. “They always take their dog out for a walk just before bedtime.”
From what Autumn had heard, Donna Frederickson was the town’s biggest gossip and all-around busybody on Nextdoor. If someone parked in the wrong place or forgot to update their car registration stickers, she was on the case. She also ran the town’s “Stitch-n-Bitch” knitting and crochet group.
Heat shot through Autumn in anticipation as Matt turned and slowly leaned in. His warm breath brushed her lips just before he pressed his mouth gently against hers.
His kiss was soft and lingering. In an instant, the years dropped away. This felt real. More than just a show for Matt’s neighbors.
Long-dormant arousal sprang to aching, pulsing life between her legs. She hadn’t felt desirable since Jayden was born. That was when Phillip had switched from treating her like the woman he loved and was crazy about to someone who couldn’t do anything right.
Matt’s kiss deepened. It felt healing. And oh-so-right.
No, she told herself, fighting the temptation to pull him closer and touch her tongue to his. This isn’t real. We’re just pretending… remember?
When they finally broke apart, both of them were breathing hard. She saw the same spark of surprise in his eyes that she felt.
“Hey, Matt!” Donna called as she and her husband Chris passed Matt’s house. Their golden retriever strained at her leash. “Nice evening, isn’t it?”
Her knowing smile broke the romantic spell for Autumn.
“Sure is, Donna,” Matt replied, forcing a casual tone as he squeezed Autumn’s shoulder. “Taking advantage of the nice weather before it gets cold.”
“Oh, I’m sure you two will enjoy sitting in front of your fireplace when the time comes,” Donna assured them.
Chris, a tall man with a short silver-and-brown beard, nodded.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” he called with a cheery wave.
The couple continued walking. Autumn and Matt both watched them until they reached the end of the block and rounded the corner.
“Guess we put on a good show,” Matt said, as if trying to brush off the intensity of the kiss.
“Definitely,” Autumn agreed, her cheeks flushed. “I think she’s going to tell everyone she knows before dinnertime tomorrow.”
“Step one of the plan, accomplished,” Matt said. He kept his arm around her shoulders, but sat back on the porch sofa and looked out at the stars.
Autumn fumbled for her beer with trembling fingers.
One kiss. All it had taken was one kiss, and the lines between pretense and reality had evaporated like morning dew.
She could still feel the warmth and feeling of Matt’s lips imprinted on her mouth, and the ghostly pressure of his fingers cupping her cheek.
Crap, she thought, staring out into the darkness.
Was staying here a mistake? Shaken and scared by Phillip’s drunken ranting, all she’d been thinking about was the escape Matt offered. But now…
What if this fake relationship turns into something real? Will I make the right decisions this time around?
Or maybe she was reading too much into it. Overthinking things, as usual.
She glanced at Matt’s profile. He seemed completely unaffected by their kiss.