Page 37 of Protective Cowboy
Yup, she thought. Definitely overthinking it. He’s just a friend trying to help me out. I need to keep my cool.
Chapter Nine
Coffee and a Kiss
Saturday, August 15
Autumn blearily opened her eyes as the aroma of frying bacon wafted to her nose. She’d spent way too many hours tossing and turning last night.
After yesterday’s confrontation with Phillip, followed by the hasty move to Matt’s place, Autumn had been emotionally and physically drained. She’d expected to fall asleep immediately.
But her brain kicked into overdrive as soon as she turned off the bedside light. Vivid replays of Matt’s mouth against hers had quickly morphed into vivid, arousing fantasies of his hands stroking and caressing her as he kissed his way down her body. What kinds of things had he learned in the years they’d been apart?
And what would happen if she got out of bed and walked across the hall to his bedroom?
Then the sound of a car driving down the street had stabbed her with irrational panic. Was it Phillip? Had he left the ranch and tracked her down?
And with that, her imagination was off and running, spinning out increasingly catastrophic scenarios.
She wasn’t sure what time she’d finally drifted off, but it had been late.
Now she groaned softly and rolled over to peer at the digital clock on the nightstand.
Seven thirty. In the days before motherhood, that would’ve been inhumanely early for a Saturday morning.
It was still inhumanely early, except Jayden had turned out to be a Morning Person, just like his father.
She was tempted to roll over and grab another hour of sleep, but heard Jayden and Matt’s voices drifting down the hall from the kitchen. Reluctantly, she pushed back the covers and forced herself to swing her legs over the edge of the mattress.
Her toiletries bag tucked under her arm, she headed for the bathroom and took a quick shower before getting dressed.
When she entered the kitchen a short time later, she watched Matt expertly flipping blueberry pancakes. She paused to appreciate his tanned, muscular forearms as he worked. Thick strips of bacon sizzled in a cast iron pan next to the griddle, and her stomach growled at the delicious, smoky scent.
Her gaze lingered on Matt’s red “The Yummy Cowboy Diner” apron, and the tight white t-shirt that molded itself to his lean, strong body.
The branded t-shirts and aprons sold at the diner had been her idea. Right now, she thought that “yummy cowboy” described Matt to a “T.”
“Hi Mom! Deputy Matt’s making blueberry pancakes, just Grandpa Bob!” Jayden called out from his seat at the breakfast nook table. It was set for three, with small bowls of fresh blueberries and sliced strawberries sitting next to each plate.
“Jayden’s been a big help this morning,” Matt told her. “He set the table, and he helped me mix up the pancake batter.”
“That’s my job when Grandpa makes pancakes or Grandma makes waffles,” Jayden explained.
“Well, I’ll do my best to live up to your Grandpa Bob’s culinary standards,” Matt said in a solemn tone.
Autumn couldn’t help smiling.
Jayden peered around. “Is there any whipped cream for the pancakes?”
Matt shook his head. “Sorry, buddy, I’m fresh out. But there’s huckleberry syrup.” His gaze flicked to Autumn, and his tone turned apologetic. “I’m out of coffee too. Sorry. I’ve been putting off grocery shopping for far too long.”
Autumn couldn’t help but compare his reaction to Phillip’s in a similar situation. Her ex-husband would have snapped at her, blaming her for the shortfalls.
“Hey, it’s okay,” she reassured him with a smile. “You weren’t expecting guests. I can pick up some coffee later. And your pancakes smell delicious.”
“Thanks,” Matt replied, his features softening. “I can offer you a choice of orange juice or milk with breakfast. Which do you prefer?”
He began lifting the purple-splotched pancakes from the griddle and piling them on a serving plate, along with the bacon.