Page 24 of Orange Mountain
“Nothing happened,” she answered with a dismissive shrug, and evaded my stare.
Typical female! My sisters, mother and grandmother say the same thing. That was a loaded statement full of lies and deceit!
I growled again. “Nobody touches what’s ours.”
Roqs stiffened behind me. Yes, I was including him on this situation with Brynn. Even if he wasn’t mated to me, to Brynn, and Zirc, it doesn’t mean his actions said he doesn’t care. He cared. Too much! Instead of taking care of his tribe, he was out here with us.
Brynn sniffed and looked down at the com gadget. Her fingers swiping faster. There was a small tension in her body. Everyone was looking at us now.
“Yeah, well I killed him!” Her voice rising as she answered.
So many voices raised questions at her.
I motioned for them to shut up.
“Did you at least cut off his head?” I enquired mildly even though I wanted to shout at her.
Someone gasped while the twins glared at me. Fuck them. I know my Brynn. She was a fighter. And her damn courage both fascinated and frightened me.
“Better, he turned to ashes,” she answered as if I was asking her what she would like for dinner.
“He what?” Xy and Axad shouted and stood up at the same time. I tightened my hold on her.
I was speechless. My precious Brynn killed someone? Was this what she told us she wanted to tell us?
“You murdered someone on Purple Tribe lands?” Roqs visibly shook. He ran a shivering hand on his hair, already thinking of diplomatic ways on how to save Brynn. He looked at me and I held his eyes. He better think of a way to get Brynn out of here. This mountain might not be safe for her.
“That is seriously hot,” Sim purred in a low voice.
“I like it,” Nim agreed, lips curving for the first time. Both twinsies staring at Brynn like predators.
Trust Nim and Sim to find killing a major turn on. I don’t consider Xy the de facto leader of the Red Guard. It should be the twinsies. The blood lust of that group can rival the Silver Tribe’s.
“Can we leave?” Brynn asked me, still looking down at the com gadget.
Roqs took it from her and browsed at it. “Are these all of them?” He asked in a soft tone. Not a good sign. I glared at him to let him know that revenge was not the top priority at the moment. It should be Brynn.
He nodded at me. “I will forward the photos to you Xy and Axad.”
Axad was a trusted member of our group even though he came from the Blue Tribe. But he was the Blue Tribe’s son so his inputs were valuable. After all, we knew the one who took her was from the Blue Tribe. The question was, why? Was it because they thought it was me who could block the Shura, the most powerful weapon created on this planet?
Nim and Sim stood up and I urged Brynn to stand up as well. I missed Xy’s report, but I would rather hear what happened from Brynn herself. I already had some prior information on who were the manasties who rescued her.
I took Brynn to my room while Roqs stayed behind to coordinate with the others.
“Wait, slow down,” Brynn complained.
I growled then took her bottom legs and in one movement, her torso connected with my shoulders.
“Oomph. Put me down Coone,” she hissed. “I’m too heavy.”
Even though she couldn’t see, I rolled my eyes at her. She had this weird obsession about her weight Zirc told me about. It was preposterous. She too skinny for my liking.
I slammed the door shut and threw Brynn on the bed.
“Coone!’ she shrieked as she bounced up and down on the big mattress that was at least three feet from the floor. “I thought you hated me?”
Her eyes bugged out when I started throwing my clothes on the floor. Shyly, she folder her legs towards her. “I never hated you, love. Less talk, more fucking.”