Page 25 of Orange Mountain
She gulped. When her eyes strayed to my slowly rising cock, her eyes went huge. Yes, so what if I was already leaking pre cum? I was so ready to erase those smells on her.
Before I could take a step towards, the door banged hard behind my back.
“They’re already starting,” Sim exclaimed happily. I took a step forward to stop myself from falling.
“No,” Roqs said quietly and banged the door shut behind me. I looked at him slightly. “There is a bath tub in this room.” He pointed in a direction towards my right side.
“No.” Roqs stood taller than me but that did not deter me. “I want her now. Those smell - “
“Lower your voice. No one knows yet abouther. We will tell the Royal twins but now is not the right time.”
Sadly, I agree with his logic. I will stick to Brynn’s name for now.
“Bath time,” Roqs insisted.
I smirked. “I’mhismate. I likehimdirty. So bug off.”
To others, I might have a death wish. This was awkward. Normally, Zirc acted as buffer between me and Roqs. We tried to mate once and it ended in a disaster, never to be repeated again.
“We can all take a bath together,” Brynn piped up from the bed.
I wanted to tell her off but my mouth opened wide. She was already half-naked. Her beautiful breasts swayed as she moved towards the end of the bed. I was already there to help her get down from the high bed. Before I did that, I slowly took off her pants. Touching my forehead to hers, I softly whispered, ”I’m so glad you’re safe, Brynn. You’re here now,” my voice peaked towards the end. Shit. I was being emotional again. My hands were actually shaking but I managed to pull off her bottom pants. She was spread out nicely in front of me.
Wounds peppered her body. I gently traced a dark bruise on her ribs.
“Shh, Coone. I’m all right. Everything is going to be fine,” she tried to reassured me and captured my lips with hers. I wanted to tend to her, but her tongue was intoxicating. She smelled intoxicating.
Not surprising, I tugged her towards me. Supporting the back of her neck with my hand, I guided her mouth to open up more. How I missed this mouth. She tasted like the finest spring water in the mountain region where I grew up.
“No.” That was all the warning I got before Roqs trussed her up into his arms. When did he got ass buck naked? He slapped my face with his tail.
That jerk face!
Brynn laughed all the way to the bathing area so I calmly followed them. One good thing about the Purple Tribe, they never lack of any modern technology.
“That is a tub?” Brynn asked perplexed.
The tub was a small man-made lake. I did not know there was this giant tub here on the building. Manasties and even us nekos fear the water, but those who dare, like the Purple Tribe, build bathing pools.
“Ooh, it’s warm,” Brynn laughed as her lower body slowly disappeared beneath the small pool. It could easily fit in five people. Brynn sighed happily.
“What the - “ Roqs exclaimed, the soap slipped from his hands and bounced on the tiled floor.
What the indeed. He seemed to have forgotten that Brynn was one of those rare species we have heard of that could swim in the water. They looked ugly in the history books. They have slit skin on their necks with webbed hands and feet. Nothing similar like Brynn though. She was pure perfection as she floated,floated, on the pool. The depth was only three or four feet, yet, she can float easily.
I walked to the pool beside her, her arms moving lazily beside her.
“You look like you’re just lying on a bed.”
Brynn grinned at me, the dirt on her face still visible. “It is like lying on a bed. I can sleep here all night.”
“What?” They can sleep on the water?
Brynn laughed causing her to dip an inch. I tried to catch her but she bounced right up. “If we got stranded in the middle of an ocean, this is one technique to rest and get some sleep.”
I don’t want to make more follow-up questions. Her tits were calling to me, and so I followed my instincts and licked one. Then placed said tit on my mouth, sucking it. Brynn gasped. I strangled my cock. I was so close. I wanted to come inside her. Having her so near, her taste, and she was alive and safe -
Brynn looked at me as if she knew what our separation cost me. She raised a hand and gently cupped the side of my face.