Page 67 of Reckless Goals
“What do we need to talk about?”
“First, I need to know what’s wrong. I feel like you're pushing me away.”
“I am!” She practically yelled. “I have to, remember? I’m a rebound. A casual fuck. A short fling. Definitely not the girl that can make all your hopes and dreams come true. Did you forget all that?”
“I guess I assumed we would always be friends,” I bit back, knowing damn well I wanted to be more than her friend. “And you left, but there were things I needed to tell you. Things we needed to talk about.”
“Look Rhys,” she steepled her fingers and pressed them between her eyes, making small circles to relieve some tension. “I know what we needed to talk about. I saw the text from your ex on your phone. She said she loved youtoo, which told me you had said it to her and she was replying. Which is fine because…”
I stood up quickly, making her stop talking and her eyes grow with fear. “What?”
“I wasn’t prying, I didn’t read all the texts. After you fell asleep, I thought my phone was ringing so I went to look for it and saw it was yours. I saw the most recent text and it said she loved you too.”
I started pacing, completely forgetting what I went over there to tell her. She let the blanket drop, showing me her tight shorts and a white tank top with no bra. Her dark nipples were peeking through the thin cotton as she got on her knees on the bed, holding her hands up to try to get me to stop.
“Rhys, I’m sorry. I knew what the deal was between us, but I startedfeelingtoo much after our last time together. The way we made love, bare, and so intimate. I’m weak, Rhys, and I realized I could fall for you if I didn’t bail.”
Her words finally made me stop, and I looked directly into her bright eyes. “I haven’t spoken to her. I haven’t texted her. All her random messages have gone unanswered. Hell, I blocked her. All I can think about is you. I never chased her like this, Ash. I never showed up at her place and begged her to let me in.”
She looked sad while she was trying to decide if she believed me.
“I had my fingers in your pussy a few hours ago, Ash. I’ve told you before, I’m not a cheater. If Mel and I were back together, I wouldn’t have followed Cruz to your game. I wouldn’t have touched you.”
“It's been two weeks,” she tried to reason. “I just assumed you two were working it out.”
“We already know not to make assumptions, Ash. My silence has been torture. Nothing more than me trying to let you go. It hasn’t fucking worked, it’s been worse than anything I felt for my ex. Seeing you tonight made me realize I cannot make the same mistakes I did before.”
Her mouth was hanging open, but her eyes never changed their intensity. I reached into my pocket to grab my phone, to show her the texts had gone unanswered, but I came up empty. “Fuck, I left my phone at home.”
“I don’t understand,” she spoke softly.
Climbing onto her bed, I got in front of her on my knees, and took her hands in mine. I pressed my forehead to hers and took a few deep breaths before I could speak again.
“I know we are at different places in our lives. I know Colin will kick my ass. I know I have baggage with my ex. But you’re all I think about. Like we both have said, one time wasn’t enough, and I want to keep counting. I want to try to be more.”
“I cannot give you what you want,” she cried.
“Didn’t I tell you that having goals in life is reckless? You can work and strive for anything in the world, but the world ultimately gets to decide your fate. We only know what we want right now and the rest is dictated by those decisions.”
“You’re going to break my heart.”
“Not on purpose. And I will make it my new goal to never let that happen.”
“This is such a risk.”
“It could be worth it.”
She leaned forward to kiss me, just a peck and sighed. “I can’t say no to you.”
“Good,” I kissed her lips softly again. “Because I really need you to say yes.”
She nodded and wrapped her arms around me, holding tightly to my neck.
“As soon as I get my phone, I'll show you the messages. I haven’t answered her, I promise. I only left it because Cruz was blowing it up and driving me crazy.”
“I believe you,” she sniffed. “It’s like you said before, you're not a cheater. You wouldn’t be knocking on my door if she was back in your life.”
Damn, her faith in me was everything. She believed me without proof. That wasn’t something I’d ever had before. It was just another moment between us that made me think that we could be more than just a fling.