Page 68 of Reckless Goals
“When did you know this was what you wanted?” That wasn’t what I was expecting her to ask, but I knew the answer immediately.
“Would you believe me if I told you it was the second I saw you?”
She smiled, our noses still pressed together, and our arms holding on to one another.
“No. I was kinda mean.”
“Well, I did kick a ball into your stomach. You had a reason. But that wasn’t what I was talking about.” She put her hands on my cheeks and held me gently while she waited for me to finish my thought. “The first time I saw you was when you were at my game. You were talking to Colin, remember?”
“Rhys,” she whined and shook her head. “That doesn’t count. You had just had your heart broken.”
“But for those few seconds, I forgot about all that. And every game since, I’ve look into the stands, hoping to find that same moment again.”
Her smile grew and her nose nuzzled mine. “So charming, Rhys Peyton.”
“Those eyes,” I reminded her. “Every time I’ve looked into them I’ve wanted you. And even for the past two weeks without them, I’ve wanted you.”
I pushed her back on the bed and laid down next to her, pulling her blanket around us. Her head settled on my chest and I laced my fingers with hers on top of my stomach.
“I left tonight because I had dinner with my brother, otherwise I would have waited for you. We would have had this conversation earlier.”
“Your brother?”
“Yeah I tend to get moody when I care about a woman I can’t have. He got worried I was getting ready to riot or something.”
She giggled. “I thought you were having dinner with, um,her. After the text, I just assumed…”
“Yeah, well had I known that was circling around in your head, I would have been specific.”
“So how was dinner?”
“Quick,” I huffed. “Apparently I wasn’t good company. And he called me a pussy.”
“You are a little soft,” she teased.
“Because I love hard and care so deeply?”
“Those are your best traits, Rhys. You feel so much and I bet everyone you’ve ever cared about has imprinted a mark on your heart somehow. But I was saying you are soft because you got beat by a girl.”
My chest shook from laughing and I wrapped my other arm around Ash as I lowered my voice to a growl. “Oh baby, you only beat me one out of every ten tries.”
“I said alittlesoft. You're a pro and twice my size, Peyton. You shouldn’t have let one slip by.”
“I was just taking it easy on you.”
“You know I don’t like it easy,” she purred, sending those words straight to my dick.
“Fuck,” I whispered.
She giggled while I got my shit together and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. “I saw your game the other day.”
I glanced down at her and tilted my head. “Which one?”
“Against New York. You weren’t using your left foot, Peyton.”
“I couldn’t,” I cringed, thinking about how shitty I played. “Every time I use my lefty, I think of you, and I was desperately trying not to think of you.”
She was quiet for a while, but I could almost hear the wheels turning in her head. Then she finally asked, “What changed?”