Page 42 of Twisted Assist
"Is that why you've never had someone at a game to watch you play?"
"Yeah, it's not like I have extended family or a lot of friends."
"Me either. My parents are a mess. My mom takes my dad back, probably once a month. He isn't a terrible father, but he's a shitty husband, and my brother and I have had to learn how to separate that for the sake of our sanity."
"Yeah, that sounds complicated."
"How was your dad? Was he as complicated as mine?"
"He was a lot like me. Or I'm a lot like him. He was a good dad but didn't work. I think he had dreams of being a professional surfer, but that dream made it hard for my mom. When I think of him, I think of the Bronco and the necklace he had dangling on the rearview mirror. Beads made of driftwood, with scrolls that looked like S's carved in them. I'd be in the backseat, staring at that necklace, wondering where he got it. His name was Soli, so I assumed that's why it had the S-like scrolls. But that is almost my only memory. I was twelve when he died, old enough to have more memories, but it's just that one that has stuck with me."
"I'm so sorry." She brushed her thumb over my bottom lip, her eyes looking at me in a way I had never been looked at before. "I bet he was a good guy with big dreams. Nothing wrong with that."
"Are you like your mom?"
"I've been worried that I'd turn into her one day. That I'd never feel like I deserved more than being someone's second option. That I would become obsessed with someone, even though they weren't good for me."
"Hunter?" I asked, almost scared to hear the answer and equally afraid I would piss her off.
"Even knowing how crazy he's being, I still care about him."
That should have hurt, but it didn't. Tatum and Hunter had a history that I would probably never experience. But I did hate that Tatum knew he was following and manipulating her, and she couldn't cut those feelings off.
With the conversation returning to Hunter, I knew I had to change it again, not for her, but for me. Hate was officially the only thing I felt toward Hunter, and I didn't want that hate to dim the rest of our day.
Scooping Tatum into my arms, I ran toward the water. Just like I had the day we met, I lowered her into the water, and we went down to our knees. That day, I stopped myself from kissing her, but that was no longer an option.
My lips found hers, and my hands pulled her body into mine. The waves were calm, and it made hanging on to her easier. Nikki's was an adults-only beach club, so I knew with the stretch of beach we were on, there wouldn't be any little prying eyes.
We weren't the only couple out there in each other's arms. Spinning Tatum around, I pressed her back against my chest and put my mouth to her ear. My left hand kept her close to me while my right hand pushed into the tiny bottoms of her bathing suit.
"Look at that couple, Coconut," I whispered, loving teasing her and turning her on. "I bet that guy over there has his cock in her pussy. Just like us, they don't give a fuck who sees them or knows what they're up to."
She couldn't finish her thought as I started moving my fingers back and forth over her clit. "You what? Don't want anyone to see you? It doesn't turn you on?"
"Everything about you turns me on. We could be alone in the dark and I would still come for you. You barely have to touch me, Tripp."
"I know you would," I huffed. "And later, when we are at my place, and alone in my bed, I will do just that, but right now, just look around. Enjoy how twisted this is."
In the cold water, I could feel the warmth between her legs as she started to come. Her arms came up to hold onto my neck as her body shook in pleasure.
Then she turned around and wrapped her legs around me while I pushed my shorts down. Impaling her on my cock, she moaned, but no one was close enough to hear her. Making sure she was angled toward everyone, I quickly thrust into her, chasing my own pleasure.
"Do they see us?" I asked her as she looked over my shoulder.
"Probably," she moaned. "You're making the water move and I'm bouncing up and down."
Fuck I loved when she played along.
Grunting, I started to come. It had been a long time since I had sex with the same woman more than once, and there was an appeal to knowing what each other liked. Turning her on turned me on, and I wasn't sure sex would ever feel as good with anyone else the way it did with Coconut.
She was making me just as obsessed as Hunter seemed to be.