Page 43 of Twisted Assist
As he suggested, I ended that day in Tripp's apartment, in his bed. We had ordered food to be delivered and spent the rest of the night sleeping and having sex.
Sunday was the same, but we added a few movies and a walk down the beach to break things up. Besides checking my phone and coming up empty, neither Tripp nor I brought up Hunter. We had an unspoken agreement just to do whatever the hell we wanted and leave Hunter out of it.
We didn't owe him anything, and the more time I spent with Tripp, the more I didn't even care what Hunter thought or felt. All I was doing was whatever my heart told me to do, and even though I knew Tripp was just as capable of breaking it as Hunter was, it felt safer in those moments.
Sunday evening was the first time I had returned to my apartment, and it felt like I had been gone for weeks. Luckily, I had a set of clothes in my bag to change into after the beach, but I still got home wearing dirty shorts and one of Tripp's shirts that swallowed me whole.
Knowing my brother was watching his football games on my couch again, I didn't worry about going home. He and I had texted several times over the weekend, and I told him Hunter was scaring me. It meant he would most likely be there all night, just in case I felt uneasy again about Hunter showing up.
The following week was my usual work routine sprinkled with a few texts from Tripp that made me smile. He had gone to Dallas for a game but didn't play. He also told me there was no word about Hunter being invited to the postseason camps, which added one more layer to Hunter's deceit.
By Friday, neither Tripp nor I had heard from Hunter in any context, and we both thought that maybe he had gotten the message. It had been two weeks since I met Tripp, and he had to know that we had talked and caught him in a few lies. It would have made anyone tuck their tail and run.
But I also felt terrible and was honest about it with Tripp. Caring for Hunter didn't just go away; I wanted the best for him. He was clearly spiraling for some reason, and at times, it took all the restraint I had not to call and check on him.
The following Saturday, I woke up to a pounding on my door. Trying to ignore it, I turned over in bed and covered my head with my pillow. Knowing I had no plans, there was no reason for anyone to be there, and I hoped they would leave before long.
Then I remembered Hunter had a key; if I didn't answer, he might let himself in. He never used it unless he had to, but that didn't mean he wouldn't. Scrambling out of bed, I got to the door and pulled it open, shocked to see my mom standing in the doorway.
"About time!" she threw her hands up and walked in.
"What are you doing here, Mom?"
"You don't answer my calls or my texts, and Colton said you're seeing someone besides Hunter, so I knew it was time to come check on you."
"I'm twenty-five, Mom. You don't have to check on me."
"Twenty-five or ninety-five, a mother knows when to check on her babies."
"I'm all good, just been keeping myself busy." I started making a pot of coffee as she sat down in the living room, looking perfectly put together. You'd never know that she wasn't a senator's wife or that she lived paycheck to paycheck. She ensured she was always perfectly dressed, with makeup and her hair done. When we were younger, she told me it was the only way to keep a man. It just made me sad when I realized how hard she tried and failed to keep my dad from straying.
"Your father wants to go to a football game. I've been—"
"I've told you, and Colton has told you, that I can't make that happen. I'm not working with the football team."
"Then what are you doing?" She sighed. "Maybe he will want to do that."
It felt like a trap, but I walked right in as if there were breadsticks at the end of it. "Formula One is coming to Miami, and we are prepping for that event. I've been asked to assist the hockey team with a promotion night in the coming weeks. It's been a lot of fun."
"Your father hates both of those sports," was her only response before she realized how shitty that sounded. "I'm sorry. I'm proud and happy for you, but I'm lonely and desperate for your father to come home."
Oh, so he left again?
"I love Dad, as my Dad, but I hate how he treats you. When are you going to move on from him?"
She looked at me like I had slapped her and put a hand on her chest. "I'd never! He's good to me when he's home, and that is all I need."
"You deserve better," I mumbled, knowing it was useless.
Pouring two cups of coffee, I entered the living room to join her and settled in for anything else she came to chat about. There was always more when it came to her.
"I don't like you seeing someone else." She didn't waste any time, but it took me a little off guard.
"Excuse me?"
"Hunter loves you. Why see someone else?"
"Hunter is sick!" I yelled. "He's been stalking and manipulating me."