Page 13 of Towering Contract
The garden is enormous and also a disaster. But even in its disarray, it’s as perfect as the rest of the house.
“It’s great.” I try to step away, but he doesn’t release his hold on me.
“I know it’s a mess, but you’ll have it perfect soon. I have a contractor on standby to help install any boxes you might want. You have a lot of them in your garden.”
“I do, but I garden,” I remind him. What is he going to do with a giant garden? “Are you sure you want one that big? It’s almost twice the size of mine.” I’m jealous of his space because he could even do a greenhouse and grow all year.
“I know what I want.”
His words send a shiver down my spine, and I peek up at him. I shouldn’t be surprised that once again, he’s staring at me.
“Right.” I dip my knees so that I can escape from under his arm before he can stop me. Once I’ve got some space between us, I can think more clearly. “You don’t have much furniture in here,” I say, changing the subject.
“Decorating isn’t my strong suit.”
“Yeah, and your baby mama might want to do that.”
“Baby mama?” He lets out a chuckle. “Actually we should talk about that.” My whole body freezes. “As you noticed, I don’t have much furniture yet, so we’ll have to share.” He casually nods to the bed like it’s no big deal.
“What?” That wasn’t what I thought he was going to say, but it’s still shocking.
“It’s a big bed,” he says and then does another one of those shoulder shrugs. They’re getting annoying at this point.
“We can’t share a bed,” I hiss at him.
“Why not? We used to pass out together in the movie room all the time.”
“We were kids.” My brother would fall asleep before us, and so many times I wished for Flynn to lean over and kiss me, but he never did.
“I’ll put a movie on at night if that makes you feel better.”
“My brother would kill you if he knew.”
“I was thinking your mom, but you’re probably right.”
“You’re nuts.” I turn to leave, not wanting to be in this room any longer, but I only make it a few steps before my feet leave the ground and Flynn tosses me on the bed. A few pillows go flying, and I grab one as I hurry to my knees.
“See, there’s lots of room.” His smile is wicked as he steps closer.
“Don’t even think about it.” I lift the pillow higher.
“I’m already thinking about it. I’ve been thinking about it.”
“What does—ah!” I scream when he lunges towards me, and a second later I swing the pillow. He grabs it with ease and tosses it to the floor. I go for another, but his arm wraps around my waist and keeps me from getting away. “Flynn!”
The next thing I know, he’s got me pinned to the bed with my hands over my head.
“Give up yet?” He wiggles his eyebrows, and I clench my teeth.
“Never.” I glare up at him.
“I didn’t want to have to do this.” He shakes his head like I’ve brought this upon myself.
“Do what?”
His other hand drifts down my side until it gets to the bottom of my shirt. When his fingers drift across my stomach and over to my hip, I suck in a breath.
“This.” He smirks before he starts tickling me.