Page 14 of Towering Contract
“No!” I squeal and try to wiggle free. I forgot how he used to do this to me, and I know how relentless he can be. “I give!” I shout, knowing it’s my only option.
How does Flynn always get whatever he wants?
Zelly is laughing and breathing hard as I pull my hand away. Then I release my hold on her wrists, but I don’t move off of her completely, not yet.
“You’re beautiful when you laugh,” I tell her and then watch as her smile falters slightly. Her eyes move to my mouth, and then she licks her lips. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you do it.”
“It feels like a long time since I’ve had a reason.” She brings one of her arms down and presses it against my chest. “And you haven’t been around to see it.”
“I didn’t want to stay away.” The words feel like a confession, but it’s been so long since we were honest with each other. It’s the reason I’ve tricked her into coming here, so why not start with this? “But I want you to know I’m not going anywhere. Not ever again.”
“It doesn’t matter. You don’t owe me an explanation. You’re free to go and live your life.” She’s purposely trying to create space between us, and I can’t allow it.
“Don’t do that.” I shake my head and cover her hand with mine. Holding her palm against my heart, I try to put it into words. “Don’t dismiss that time as me living my life. After your accident, I thought the only way to make things right was to stay away.”
“What?” She blinks at me and looks confused. “Why would you think that?”
“You needed time to heal, and the whole thing was my fault.”
“It wasn’t your fault, Flynn. I was the one that jumped. Nobody made me do it.”
“I goaded you into it. Leo and I jumped off that bridge a thousand times, but we knew how dangerous it was. The night you came, I knew it was a bad idea. The water was too low, and you weren’t strong enough to jump out as far as we did.”
She turns her head away as tears form in her eyes, but I touch her chin until she looks back at me. Using my thumb to wipe away the single tear that’s fallen, I shake my head.
“It was my fault, and I should have stopped you. I should have never let you come.” I swallow hard, thinking back to that moment. I knew the second she let go of the bridge it was too late. She didn’t jump out far enough to get away from the rocks. “Afterwards I couldn’t look at you without hating myself.”
“You were my best friend. Then you just disappeared.”
“I could have lost you.” The words are almost whispered as I stroke her cheek. “There’s no way I could have recovered from that.”
We stare at one another for a long moment before she breaks the silence. “Why am I here now, Flynn? What’s changed?”
“I was giving you time to heal. Time to stop hating me.”
“And you’ve decided I don’t hate you anymore?”
“No,” I admit, and I see a little grin at the edge of her lips. “I’ve decided I don’t care if you hate me. I’m done waiting.”
“Waiting for what?”
Without another word, I close the final space between us and press my lips to hers. She’s still at first, but as soon as I lick that pouty bottom lip, she opens her mouth and lets me in.
“Good girl,” I tell her before I enter her again and then groan at how good she tastes.
Fuck, I’ve wanted this. I’ve dreamed of this exact moment—having her in my bed and underneath me. But I can’t rush this. The need to take more and more is overwhelming, but somehow I force myself to slow down.
Pulling back enough so that it breaks the kiss, I can feel her ragged breath on my wet lips. “Give me a second.” Why do I sound like I’m out of breath?
“You want to stop?” Thankfully, she sounds just as worked up as I do.
“No.” I swallow hard and stare into her eyes before I shake my head. “I’m trying not to embarrass myself.”
My cock is throbbing against her leg like it has its own pulse. Hell, maybe it does right now because it feels like all the blood in my body has rushed to my dick.