Page 10 of Kenji

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Page 10 of Kenji

"Oh, but it is."He took another long drag of the cigar and eyed the glowing tip ofit. "I happen to own ten percent of this fine establishment."He smiled slightly as she stiffened. "I bet you weren’taware of that little bit of information."

"Ten percentmeans ten percent. It doesn’t give you any deciding votes."She told him primly. She should just leave and go back to her duties.The place was packed to capacity and she had lots of work to do, dueto the opening on Saturday. She shouldn’t be standing herearguing with him.

"Perhaps not.You don't like me, do you?"

"I don't knowyou well enough to form an opinion."

"You’rejust pissed because I referred to you as just an employee."

Her gaze turnedscornful as she looked at him from head to toe. "If you thinkyour opinion means shit to me, then you definitely don’t knowme. Enjoy your smoke."

Before he could makea comeback, she’d left and closed the doors with a snap. Asmile touched his lips. He was intrigued by her. Naturally, he’dnoticed her beauty. That flawless complexion, the heavy lashed darkbrown eyes and those sexy pair of lips. She wasn’t intimidatedby either him nor his cousin.

He’d noticedher on the floor. She would smile at the customers, listen withinterest and flick away the interests from men who were there forbusiness meals. She’d do it without being insulting. She alsoavoided his table like the plague. He could force her to come to himof course, and had actually toyed with the idea, but decided againstit.

He enjoyed sparringwith her. It was strange and a little disturbing that the few minutesarguing with him had revved his blood and piqued his interest morethan the entire evening spent in the company of the woman he’dinvited for dinner. Taking a last drag of the cigar, he went in toget rid of his date and have another round with her.


"If you can’tfind me a table, I have no problem eating in your office." Calebtold her with a grin. "I spruced up for the occasion, as you cansee." He held his arms out for her to examine him. "What doyou think?"

"I think youlook dashing. Is the outfit new?"

"Brandspanking." He pointed at the diamonds at her lobe. "I seeyou’re wearing one of my gifts."

"It goes with myoutfit." Taking his hand, she led him to a small booth in thecorner. "How’s this?"

"Perfect. Willyou be joining me? I just spent the entire day with my agent who toldme some numbers that sizzled my brain. You’re looking at a verywealthy man, darling. One who can keep you in diamonds for the restof your life."

"I accepted theones you brought back, but that is where this ends." Leaningdown, she brushed her lips against his, not resisting when he touchedher cheek. "I’ll send someone over with a bottle ofCabernet and the house special."

"Appreciate it."

That was how Kenjisaw them. She was bent intimately towards the guy and his hold on herwas proprietary, leaving no doubt that they were involved. For somereason, he could feel the gut-wrenching anger twisting inside him ashe continued to stare at the couple.

Straightening up, hesaw when the laughter was completely wiped from her lips as she methis gaze. With a curt nod, he turned away and went to the booth wherehis date was waiting. The entire evening had been spoiled for him andfor the next few minutes, he drank steadily.


"How was it?"She’d finally found a bit of time to sit with him and rest heraching feet. She’d shed her heels and put on comfortable flatssometime during the night. The place had emptied out considerably asit was almost midnight.

"Excellent. Theboss man not here tonight?"

She shook her head,reaching for his glass to take a sip of the wine. "They have afunction or something."

"So, you’rethe one running the show?"

"It takes teameffort."

Caleb gave her anamused smile. "Modesty is overrated, darling. You’re doinga damn good job. I’ve been watching you making the rounds andputting out small fires. Like the one where the asshole was shovinghis date. You took care of that before the other customers even got awhiff of what was happening. How did you get him to leave?"

"By telling himhe wouldn’t be allowed back and that I wasn’t his dateand I wouldn’t sit back and allow herself to be abused. I toldhim that I fight back and it isn’t pretty."

Caleb chuckled indelight. "He hightailed it out of here fast."

"Yep." Shesmiled at him. "So, the deal is done."

"The deal isdone. Netflix, Prime and a couple of other networks signed on thedotted line. I’m now officially a millionaire." He cockeda brow at her and popped a plump shrimp into her mouth. "You canditch the job and marry me."

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