Page 11 of Kenji
"I love the joband marrying you would be a disaster."
"Ouch." hegrimaced, plucking the wine from her. "You really know how tohit a guy where it hurts."
"Yeah, right."Leaning forward, she kissed his cheek. "Duty calls."
Kenji told himself heshould get the hell back to his place and go to bed. He’dditched his date, sending her home in a cab and the place was nowpractically empty. He was pissed and ornery and was ready for aconfrontation.
He’d seen themtogether again. The guy had his arm around her waist and they’dbeen cozied up at the doorway of her office. He’d told her hehad an interest in the restaurant and that was precisely what he wasgoing to use.
With fire burning inhis eyes and his gut, he waited until the last patron had left forthe night and the rest of the staff had cleaned up and was makingtheir way out before he made his way to her office, his stepspurposeful. Without knocking on the door, he pushed it open and sawher standing by her desk.
"I am-" Hervoice trailed away when she saw him standing there. "May I helpyou?"
Closing the door witha snap, he leaned against it and closed his arms over his chest, hisgaze insolent. "Is Kane aware that you allow your boyfriend toeat here for free?"
Her gaze smoldered."I am the manager of-"
"I get it.You’re the manager here so you feel you can do pretty much whatyou damn well please. Did he pay for the meal?"
Straightening hershoulders, she took a careful breath before responding. "I don'tanswer to you."
"I happen to siton the board."
"You’renot my employer. Now, if you would excuse me-"
"In a hurry togo home to him, are you?" Straightening from his position, hestarted forward.
"As a matter offact, I am."
"He wasn’tgentleman enough to wait for you?"
"I don't need aman to take care of me. Now get out."
"Or?" Hestopped right in front of her, near enough to smell her perfume andto drown in the liquid of her brown eyes. What the hell was he doing?He wondered.
"No, you’renot." His hands clamped on her arms and stopped her from walkingaround him.
"Let go of me."
"How long haveyou been seeing this guy?" He was literally backing her into thecorner of the room.
"That's none ofyour concern." Her breath was coming rapidly between her lips.His body was pressed up against his, and she could feel her pulseskittering.
He was tall, perhapsan inch or two taller than Kane, and she had dumped her heels infavor of the flats, which meant that she barely came up to his chest.A lock of unruly dark hair had fallen over his forehead, and his darkeyes were focused on her mouth. "Let go of me."
"I don't care."She pushed at him, but he wouldn’t budge.
"Aren't yougoing to ask me what I’m curious about?"
"I don't care,"she repeated.
"Are you as coolas people think you are?" One hand came up to cup her face. "Oris it just a facade?" His voice had deepened, breath stirringher skin. "I saw you dealing with that idiot who was manhandlinghis date. I said to myself she could handle herself. Can you handleme?"