Page 16 of Kenji
He had a craving fora cigar. Pacing the winding passageway, he contemplated his nextmove. Had she left his arms to go straight into his bed? That wasdriving him crazy. He’d recognized the guy.
Some former cop whowas now a famous novelist. He’d seen him being interviewed onTV. Why the hell had she allowed him to kiss her like that when shewas involved? Dammit, he really should leave, but he really wanted tosee her again.
That was why he wasstanding outside her office like a lackey begging for scraps. Hishead lifted when he heard the click of her heels on the glossy tiles.She stopped and stared at him.
"You’reblocking my door."
"I know I am."Smiling insolently, he leaned against the hardwood and crossed hisarms over his chest.
"I don't havetime for this. I have work to do. Please let me pass."
He shifted slightlyand opened the door for her with a mock flourish. Hesitatingslightly, she moved forward and was careful not to brush against him.A sigh escaped her when he simply came in behind her.
"What do youwant?"
"A number ofthings." His dark eyes swept over the elegance of the office anddecided it suited her. "How was your night?"
"Wonderful."She told him sweetly. "Now, if you’re quite finished-"
"Not by a longshot. How’s the boyfriend?"
"His name isCaleb, and he’s wonderful." She felt a jolt of fear as hecame forward to ease a hip on her desk. He was wearing a thincashmere sweater and black trousers. His hair was in its usualdisorder, giving him a carelessly boyish look.
Intense dark eyesswept over her face and settled on her lips, making her acutely awareof what the touch of his mouth on hers could do.
"Is he?" Hemurmured silkily. "Did you happen to mention what you did righthere with me?"
"It wasn’timportant. Now, if you’d excuse me-"
"I’m notfinished." He watched in amusement when she backed away anddropped into her chair. "Are you afraid of me?"
"You flatteryourself." Chantelle was desperate not to reveal how affectedshe was. Perhaps it was fear as well as desire coursing through herfoolish body. "I have a lot of things to do and-"
"So do I. Istood there for several minutes debating whether to wait for you. Iwas unable to sleep last night. You made quite an impression."
"Please leave."She hated that her voice had dropped to a whisper.
"I want to getsome things out in the open first." His dark eyes wandered overher hair before going to her face. Her eyes were wide and had flecksof gold; some might call it honey gold. He’d noticed that lastnight while his tongue was deep inside her throat.
Her skin wasflawless, and he knew by touch that it was soft as silk. Her lipswere coated with a gloss that highlighted the shape, and he knew whatthey tasted like. He’d nibbled enough last night for thesensation to last. He wanted more, and everything he’d said tohimself in the early hours of the morning had dissipated like smoke.
"Come to myapartment tonight." Turning slightly, he reached for a notepadand a pen and scribbled the address and his personal number. "We’llhave the privacy needed. I want to make love to you."
His head snapped upat the sound of her husky laughter.
"Your ego isastonishing. You expect me to just agree to come to your place justbecause you say so? I’m not one of your mindless bimbos, and Ihappen to be in a relationship." The lie slipped easily off hertongue, and she was hoping desperately he’d buy it and leaveher be.
"Are you?"He asked her. "How involved?"
"Deeply. Nowplease go."
"What would hesay if he knew what we’d been up to last night? Right overthere." He nodded to the section of her office that she’davoided looking at since she came in.
"He’dchalk it down to temporary insanity on my part."
"Is that whatyou’re doing?"
"Yes. Now-"Before she could ask him to leave again, there was a knock on herdoor that had her bolting from her chair in shock. Her tempersimmered as he merely got up and stood beside her desk.