Page 17 of Kenji
"Come in."Her consternation increased when she saw who it was.
"Oh, Kane. I’msorry. Were you trying to get hold of me?" She sounded guiltyand was almost certain she looked it.
"No. I was on myway out, actually." His eyes took in the scene, and even thoughhis face was expressionless, she had a good idea of what he wasthinking.
"Mr. Lee-"
"I was justoffering Chantelle my services in the upcoming grand opening."He chipped in smoothly, staring at his cousin and daring him to thinkotherwise.
"Generous ofyou."
"I was justtelling Mr. Lee that we have everything under control. He was justleaving." She gave him a pointed look, almost begging him toleave.
"Ah, yes."He gave her a sultry look that had her going hot. "We’lltalk."
Not if I can help it,she said silently.
"If you needanything else, please call me on my personal number."
"I will."
Kane nodded andwaited for his cousin to leave.
Chantelle sank downon her chair and felt the trembling of her knees and the unnaturalthumping of her heart. Pulling the notepad forward, she stared at theprecise handwriting. She was about to rip out the page and toss itinto the wastebasket when she hesitated. Pushing it away from her,she took a breath and went to work.
"Please don'tsay anything."
"I wasn’tgoing to until you asked me not to." Kane nodded to the doormanas he held the door open for them to exit. His car was parked in hisdesignated spot, with Kenji's Porsche parked next to it.
"What was thatall about?"
Kenji shrugged as hepressed his alarm. "Nothing."
"It looked likesomething to me."
"It's no bigdeal." He growled it out irritably. "Just- hell-" Hepassed a hand at the back of his neck. "She gets under my skin."
Kane hid thetriumphant smile as he leaned against the hood of the car. "Ithought you two couldn’t stand each other."
"We stillcan't." He closed his eyes briefly. "This is the last thingI need right now."
"What is?"
Kenji glared at him."You’re enjoying this way too much."
"I have no ideawhat you mean."
"It doesn’tbother you. There’s a thing between us? She works for you."
"Chantelle is anadult," His dark eyes smoldered. "But if this is one ofyour games-"
"I don't playgames."
Kane gave him a look."If this is one of your games, I’m going to kick your ass.She happens to be a valued employee, and I wouldn’t want tolose her."
"There’sheat." Kenji shoved his hands into his pockets, his expressionmoody. "Too much heat, and it’s throwing me off my game. Ikissed her last night and - " He closed his eyes briefly. "Ican’t seem to get her out of my head. The kicker is she’sinvolved with some writer."