Page 18 of Kenji
"Is she?"
"Yes. “Hebit out. "I should back the hell off as I said; I don’tneed this added complication. I have enough as it is."
"Who is theguy?"
"Caleb,something. He was a cop."
"Ah. Kelly loveshis books. I had no idea that Chantelle knew him."
"He was herelast night, and they seemed to be glued to each other." He saiddarkly.
"It doesn’tbother you that she’s with someone?"
"I don't give acrap." He spat out. "I wanted to beat him to a bloodypulp." He sighed softly. "She says she’s notinterested."
"I’m sureyou’ll find a way around it." Kane was about to saysomething else when his phone beeped. "I have to take this.Dinner later?"
"Yeah."Kenji climbed into his vehicle and sat there for a minute beforepulling out of the slot.
Kane watched withpleasure as his wife glided towards him. He’d often thought ofher movement as a sinuous, sexy, gliding motion. She’d been amodel and had graced the international stage, showing off herspectacular body by wearing skimpy lingerie, something that hadpissed him off to no end.
He'd tried to resisther various approaches, telling himself she wasn’t his type,but she’d managed to break through every barricade he’dput up and shot right to the heart of him.
He was still in lovewith her. He was as in love as he had been since he’dgrudgingly accepted it had to be her.
Rising slowly to hisfeet, he enfolded her in his arms and inhaled her scent. They weremeeting at one of her restaurants and were in a private booth. Hishands passed over her back and further down, staying there for aminute.
"Hi." Herarms went around his neck; her head tilted to his. She was so crazyabout him that it was ridiculous. One touch, even a look from thisbroodingly handsome man, could send her spinning into orbit. "Iordered dessert and coffee."
"Hmm." Hekissed her slowly and felt the heat spreading. She was the first andonly woman who’d gotten under his skin and into hisbloodstream. She was his heart. Moving away from her reluctantly, heslid into his seat. Before they could settle, a waiter brought theorder to their table with a respectful bow.
"That will beall, Monica. Thank you."
"Is she new?"
"Yes."Kelly poured him a cup from the delicate white teapot she’dpicked up in Italy. "A friend recommended her. The poor dear isnewly divorced and has two children to support."
"We know howmuch of a bleeding heart you are." His tone was indulgent.
"Yet you love meanyway?"
"I love you forit." His eyes flickered over her face. Her hair was a series ofshort, spiky blonde curls, her makeup flawless. Her face with thepointed chin was eye-catching. She had on a clinging wool sweaterover dark blue dress pants and leather boots. "I just saw Kenjiin Chantelle's office."
"Oh?" Kellytook a sip of the coffee. "Were they naked?"
He gave her a lookthat had her laughing. "He kissed her last night."
"So, progress."
"I have no idea.She has him tied up in knots." He gave her an amused look. "Ihappen to have first-hand knowledge of that."
Kelly laughed inremembrance. "I did give you a run for your money."
"He says she’sseeing Caleb, the writer."