Page 19 of Kenji
Her eyes widened."She knows him?"
"Well. Hmm. Shedoesn’t strike me as a woman who’d be seeing a man andhaving another man kiss her. They might just be friends."
"Perhaps. It wasgood to see Kenji thinking about something other than murder andmayhem." There was a grim look on his face that had her reachingout a hand to touch him. "I want him to be happy. He’sbeen through so much that I want him to be happy."
"Perhaps this ishis chance to be. I can talk to Chantelle. Get a feel if she’sreally involved with the guy, although I strongly doubt it."
"Why not? He’ssingle and attractive, and from what I read, he’s now abestselling author."
"One whoseseries has been picked up by Netflix and several other networks."She sipped her coffee. "I mean, he’s not rolling in doughlike you and Kenji, but he’ll be getting some serious money."
"Hmm." Herhusband grunted as he dug into the strawberry delight. "Perhapswe should leave well enough alone."
"I’m notbacking off, and you were the one to rope me in." Her eyesglinted. "I happen to love a challenge. I spoke to Leesa aboutit."
His look wasindulgent and exasperated at the same time. "I thought we werekeeping this between us!"
"Were wesupposed to?" She asked smoothly, stretching a foot out to brushagainst his. "You never said."
"If I had, youwould’ve ignored me."
"Possibly."She gave him an alluring smile that sent heat to the core of him."You know I’m always your obedient wife."
"Like hell youare." He growled.
"In the waysthat matter, I am." Leaning forward, she used the napkin to dabat his mouth. "God, I love you to pieces."
His heart jolted. Hishand snaked out to grip her chin, dark eyes smoldering. "I adoreyou." He whispered before capturing her lips. The kiss waspotent and had them both dissolving from the heat.
With tremblinghands, he pushed her away and tried desperately to regain hiscomposure. Before her, he was always in control. Now, even afterseveral years of marriage, she still managed to make him feel like abesotted schoolboy. It was frustrating as hell.
"I feel it too."She said, quietly interpreting the look on his handsome face.
"Yeah. Let's getdown to business, shall we?"
Chapter 5
"You’remaking me nervous and dizzy at the same time," Caleb told hermildly, eyes tracking her progress across his small living room.
"You need amaid." She muttered, staring at the dust gathering on thewindowsill. "Why aren't you living in some fancy apartment in abetter area?"
"Because, myirritable one, I happen to like this apartment and this area. I’mwell-known and well-liked. As for hiring a maid-" He shrugged."The last one ended up in my bed and refused to do her maidlyduties."
She sent him a painedlook that had him grinning. She was off today, and after paying avisit to her brother and running a few errands, she’d decidedto drop by. "There are agencies who can send you respectableolder women who will actually do the work.”
"I have someonecoming in one day a week. I love my space and my privacy. Now, sitand tell me what's bugging your pretty little ass. Or shall I hazarda guess?"
"He was waitingfor me outside my office yesterday."
"And?" Shestill wasn’t sitting but had wandered over to swipe her fingersacross the tiny mantle.
"He came inand-" She dropped down onto the rocker near the fireplace. "Hewrote his address and phone number."
"That's it?"She raised her tapered brows. "That's all you’re going tosay?"