Page 26 of Kenji
Taking up the phone,she called the kitchen and requested a Cobb salad and a bottle ofwater. She hadn’t bothered with breakfast because she’dbeen so upset.
She wasn’tgoing to think about him. She’d already made her mind up aboutthat. He wasn’t worth a minute of her time. After a fewminutes, she was immersed in paperwork, the half-eaten salad to herleft. She’d sent out several emails to check the reservationsfor the coming week.
The week leading upto Thanksgiving Day was filled with different activities. There wasgoing to be a masked dining experience the day before the holiday andtwo weddings back-to-back. She had to coordinate with the waiters andthe chef to see about the menu.
She was ticking off alist when she felt him just inside the doorway. She knew he was therebefore she lifted her head. It wasn’t just his scent but theprickling of awareness along her spine.
Closing her eyesbriefly, she lifted her head, her eyes drawn to his intense darkones. He was wearing a green shirt open at the throat, and over it,he wore a battered brown jacket, opened all the way.
His hair waseverywhere, as usual, a lock falling over his forehead.
“It appearsthat Kane knew what he was doing when he hired you.” His deepvoice was amused, his eyes sweeping over the casual style of her hairand the lack of makeup.
“You’rehere on what’s supposed to be your day off.”
“The kitchenstaff are busy now, but I could call and have them whip something upfor you.”
“I’mnot interested in food.” He came forward and closed the doorwith a snap.
“What do youwant?” Chantelle had to force herself not to move.
“I think Ialready told you that.” He eased a hip on her desk, one longdenim-clad leg swinging. “What are you working on?”
“Paperwork.”She said briefly. “I was just about to finish up and go onhome. I have a date- “
“Do you?”
“Yes. If youwould just go away, I could finish up and get out of here.”
“I’dlike us to have lunch together.”
“I already hadlunch.” She pointed to the half-eaten salad.
“That’snot lunch.” He scoffed.
“I’mstarving.” From the sensuous look on his face and the way hewas looking at her, she knew he wasn’t talking about food.
“Are youmeeting Kane?”
“I think heand his lovely wife are on their way to an award ceremony.”
“Look- “Sheshoved the chair back when he got to his feet and came towards her.“Please stop.”
“I can’tdo this.”
“Do whatexactly?” Ignoring her effort to resist him, he simply hauledher up against him.
“Let me go.”
“I tried.”He told her grimly, arms going around her waist and holding her fast.“I told myself last night when I saw you with that guy, I saidto hell with her. She isn’t worth the time and effort. Do youknow what happened? I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking aboutyou.
The taste of yourlips, the scent of you-“ He kissed her cheek and moved to hersmall nose. “Your breath, so sweet, so addictive-“ He wasnibbling at the sides of her lips and sending a ball of fire deepinto her stomach. “I want you more than I’ve ever wantedanyone before.”
He continued. “Ishouldn’t want you; Christ knows I’ve tried to resist.”His tongue was tracing the outline of her full bottom lip. “Ican’t stay from you. Isn’t that a kicker?” He askedgrimly. “I want you so much I can’t think.” Herlips had parted, but he was still busy tasting her lip. “Ican’t work. I have to have you.”