Page 27 of Kenji
His fingers foundthe back of her neck and tugged at the ribbon she’d used to tieher hair back. He gripped the thick strands, lifting her head to his.“You want me too.” He whispered against her lips.
“You can lie toyourself, but you want me too. Have me. I’m here, and I’mbursting.” He finally kissed her. His tongue darted into hermouth, and she could do nothing but sag against him.
Her fingers clutchedhis jacket as she returned the kiss. She told herself she should pushhim away, but he was right. She’d wanted him ever since he’dkissed her. The heat started at the core of her and edged up whereher breasts were so sensitive the nipples were scraping against thesweater.
Dragging his lipsfrom hers, he breathed through his teeth, dark eyes smoldering. “Comehome with me.” He rasped. “I want you in my bed.”
“Dammit,”He snapped. “Are you still going to insist that there’snothing between us?”
“Caleb- “
He let her goabruptly, shoving away from her. He paced away from her, his stepsjerky. It gave her some time to compose herself a little bit. If hehadn’t stopped, she would’ve allowed him to take herright here, and that horrified her.
“You wouldbring him into this?” He swept a hand wide. “I had mytongue down your throat. I felt the rapid beating of your heartagainst my skin. Your nipples are straining against your sweater evennow.” His eyes glowered. “I don’t want to hearabout him. Is that clear?”
She bristled, darkbrown eyes flashing. “Where’s your date?”
“Why are youasking? Jealous?”
“Don’tflatter yourself.”
“I’mabout to do so again.” He walked purposefully toward her, andthis time she darted behind the chair. “What are you doing?”
“I can’tbe involved with you.”
Her fingers weregripping the leather so tight that it was making an impression.
“You knowwhy.”
“Tell meagain.” He stood in front of her chair.
“You’renot my type.”
“He is?”
“Yes.”She had no idea how long she could keep using Caleb as a shield whenher response to the man in front of her clearly revealed that she wasvery attracted.
“Yet you gethot at just a touch of my hands. Tell me-“ He continuedconversationally. “Does he know that he is useless as alover?”
“How would youknow?”
“The way yourespond to me.” His eyes lingered on her swollen lips, and hefelt himself burning for her. Damn her! He thought viciously. Hewasn’t accustomed to being like this, and she was putting himin a position where any minute now, he was going to be begging forscraps.
He kept coming back,even when she rejected him, and it made him angry that he couldn’tstop himself. “You want me just as much as I want you, and,sweetheart, wanting you is consuming my entire life.”
Before she couldrespond or react, he shoved the chair out of their way and hauled heragainst him. His expression was feral, dark eyes flashing. “Doyou think I’m going to allow you to use that bastard as ashield?”
“Let go of me.”She said quietly. “Please.”
“No. Damn you!Do you think I want to feel this way? I’m going through hell. Ihave things to do and complications in my life that mean I don’tneed this.” He pressed his lips feverishly to her mouth. “Damnme to hell because, for the first time in my life, I want someone sobadly I can’t stand it.”
He crushed his lipsto hers, and this time, she didn’t resist. She wanted this somuch she could hardly bear it. She wanted his hands on her. Shewanted him inside her and would think about all the reasons it was aterrible idea later.
Backing her againstthe doors, he slid the lock to secure it, not that were many peoplearound to interrupt them anyway. Pressing her against the solidsurface, he dragged her sweater up and over her head, ending the kisslong enough to get rid of it before taking her lips again.