Page 28 of Kenji
His hands wentbetween them to unhook her bra. She wasn’t idle, not in theleast. The feel of his hands on her bare skin was driving her crazy.Tugging off his jacket, she practically ripped the buttons off hisshirt to get to his flesh.
“Wait- Damn it-“Releasing her lips, he lifted her and carried her to the desk,where he dropped down on the chair. “Christ! You’re sobeautiful.” He whispered it reverently. “Your skin.”He cupped her breasts. “I feel like I’m burning up.”
Lifting her againsthim, he took a nipple inside his mouth. He wanted to do it properlyand show her an experience she’d never forget, but it had to benow. He felt the tremors as he suckled on her flesh. He was hard andaching. He had to get her out of the rest of her clothing.
He solved the problemby setting her on the desk. She watched dazedly as he took off herboots and then her leggings. She was propped onto her desk inside heroffice, and next came her panties. He opened her thighs, his eyesburning into her. “Go back on your elbows.” His voice wasthick with emotion.
She did just that,sucking in her breath when he lifted her left foot. A faint moanescaped her as he kissed the sole of her foot before edging up to hercalf. His breath fanned her flesh, giving her goosebumps. He’dreached her inner thigh now, and Chantelle felt as if she was goingout of her mind.
“Shh.” Hewhispered, mouth moving further up. “Hush, baby.” Henibbled her skin, and she jumped, fingers clenched.
“Kenji- OhGod!” She was too weak, she was going blind, and her body wasdissolving. That was before he took her swollen clitoris between histeeth. When he introduced a finger, she erupted, her body vibratingin shock. The climax ripped through her, scraping her like sharkteeth. Before she had a chance to recover, he was standing up.
Releasing hisaching cock, he lifted her against him, sliding into her, his bodyshuddering as she wrapped around him tightly. He sucked in a breathand went still, his hands gripping her hips.
Flopping back down inthe chair, he wrapped her long slender legs around his waist andstarted moving. His eyes held hers, and he noticed the wild passionin their depths. Her lips were parted, and her tongue was peekingout.
Lifting her, he tooka nipple into his mouth and sucked as if his life depended on it. Herhands reached for his shoulders, fingers digging into the skin. Shecame again, her head thrown back to reveal her long graceful neck.His hands slid up her ribcage before going back to cup her buttocks.He rotated his hips, plunging deep into her.
He was on the vergeof climaxing. He could feel his testicles tightening up, but hewanted it to last. The incredible sensations of her wrapped sotightly around him were more than he would ever be able to explain toanyone.
He couldn’thold back any longer. Releasing her nipple, he seized her lips at thesame time he shot his load inside her. She sagged against him, herbreathing restricted and her skin dewy with sweat.
Leaning back againstthe padded seat, he held her against him as he fought to get hisbreathing under control. He was going to evaluate his feelings at alater time. For now, he just held her as his heart thudded inside hischest.
Chapter 7
Before she coulddemand that he let go of her, he lifted her and stood her up. “Ihave somewhere to be.” He muttered, avoiding her eyes as hegathered up his shirt and jacket. Chantelle felt the humiliationpouring through her body at his obvious rejection.
He’d gottenwhat he wanted and had no further use for her. She’d been thefool who had given it to him.
Without a word, sheput her clothes on with her back turned to him.
Closing her eyes andrefusing to look at him, she pulled the sweater over her head.
He was at the doorwhen he turned to look at her. He had to go. This wasn’tsomething he’d planned, or perhaps it was, but now it hadbecome something so much more.
“Look- “
“Get out.”She told him quietly.
He could haveinsisted on talking to her, but he didn’t know what to say.Taking the coward’s way out, he left her standing there andclosed the doors behind him.
Chantelle flew toengage the lock, her hands trembling. Sliding down into the chair,she covered her face with her hands, her body trembling. She'ddisgraced herself and her position as manager of the restaurant, andif Kane heard about it, she wouldn’t blame him if he wanted tosend her packing.
She hated him! Shethought passionately, her eyes burning with unshed tears. He’dbeen true to form. He’d stalked her and pursued her until he’dgotten what he wanted, and now he was gone. He hadn’t even hadthe decency to stick around and sell her a story.
Lifting her head, shestared at the place where he’d put her so that he could slideinto her.
“Oh, God!”She whispered hoarsely. They hadn’t used anything, and shewasn’t on any form of contraceptive. How could she have been sostupid and irresponsible? "Don't let there be consequences."She prayed aloud. "Don't let me have to pay for this, please."
Several times afterhe left, he almost turned right back to go to her. He’d sat outthere in the parking lot, staring at nothing in particular. Thinking,feeling, remembering. His body still had the imprint of her; his cockwas still soaked with her juices.
It’d taken himcompletely by surprise and had scared the hell out of him. He shouldgo back and explain, but what would he say? Should he tell her thathe was a coward and he was running away from his feelings? Or hecouldn’t afford the complications of feeling this way? Hecouldn’t draw her into the drama that was his life.
She was better offwith the Caleb guy even though the thought of it was twisting hisgut. He couldn’t bear to think of her with another man.