Page 52 of Kenji
"For her to hateme even more?" He felt weary and dejected. "You know whatmy time away taught me? I’m in love with her. I know I shouldgive her time, but I need to be with her. I’ll take anythingshe dishes out as long as I am with her."
"No." Heshook his head. “Dammit, no. I’m not going to stay awayfrom her. She can spew at me all she wants. She can pour water allover me if that is what it’ll take, but I’m going to bethere."
Kane considered himfor a few minutes and waited for their meal to be placed before thembefore responding. "She said you saw her as a challenge,something to conquer. Is that true?"
"At first."His appetite was shot to hell, but he picked at the lobster swimmingin the creamy sauce. "It became much more pretty fast, and Icouldn’t deal with the intensity of it." He laughedmoodily. "Why did she tell me she was involved with that guy?"
"Perhaps to putyou off." Kane gave him a pointed look.
"No. I wantedher no matter what. It was like a thorn in my flesh. I wanted her somuch I didn’t give a damn that she was involved." Hesighed deeply. "When you told me she was pregnant, I felt myheart plummet when I thought it was his.
When you said itwasn't, all I felt was a relief and joy so deep that I can’texplain it. I want her and this baby; I want a family. Mine was takenfrom me and, for a long time, I never thought I’d have this,but now that I do, I’m not going to walk away."
His eyes hardened."She can fight like hell, but I’m going to fight harder. Ineed this. Yes, I screwed up royally, but I’m going to makethis right." Taking up the glass, he took a long, fortifyingsip. "I need this."
Kane believed him andwanted it for him as well. He’d seen the look on Chantelle'sface and knew it wasn’t going to be easy. "You can’tjust show up at her place. She won’t let you in, and Caleb isthere. He’s like a lion guarding his cub."
Kenji shrugged, thetense expression on his face belying the careless gesture. "If Ihave to fight him-"
"You’llend up alienating her even more."
"Then what doyou suggest?"
"She should beback here in a matter of weeks."
"I can’twait that long."
"You waitedalmost four months." Ye pointed out, regretting his bluntnesswhen the shadow came over his cousin’s face. “It had tobe said.”
“Yes. You’reright."
"She’ll behere where she won’t be able to avoid you. I’m going toleave it up to you how you bring her around. You’re going tohave to be determined to be in it for the long haul."
"I am."
"Good."Kane picked up his glass. "She is hurting, Kenji. What you didto her has left its mark, and she’s still feeling it. She won’twant to trust you again."
His expression wasbleak. "I know that. I’m not going to give up." Hemulled things over inside his head. “I should reach out to theguy, try and get him on my side.”
“It’dhelp if you called him by his name. He happens to be fiercely loyalto her."
"I get that. Andhe hates me."
"That much istrue."
"Yeah." Hegave a hollow laugh. "I’m going to need his number."
"Could you cometo the restaurant? I need to speak to you."
"If it’snot too inconvenient. I understand you’re taking care ofChantelle-"