Page 53 of Kenji
"She’sbooting me out tonight. Two days of my hovering, and she’sgetting sick of me. Shows that she’s getting stronger." Hesaid with a laugh. "What's this about?"
"I’drather discuss it in person."
"On my way."
Kane hung up and gavehis cousin a pointed look. "I’ll greet him and bring himback to my office. Please see to it that you don’t break up theplace. I love this office."
"You think he’lltry and come at me." Kenji shoved his hands into his pockets andprowled the area. "He can try. I’m an expert inself-defense."
"Please bearthat in mind.”
“I’m notgoing to stand here and allow the guy to throw punches at me withoutresponding," Kenji told him tightly, his body tensing up.
"Remember,you’re fighting to get him on your side."
"What do yousuggest?"
"Suck up tohim."
"I’m notdoing that."
Kane sighed. "You’regoing to have to do something."
"This isbullshit." He dragged his fingers through his hair. "I havea right to talk to her, goddammit! She’s carrying my child."His eyes glowed. "I can force her hand. I have lawyers.”
“Then you wouldend up alienating her, and I don’t think that’s what youwant."
"Damn it all tohell!" He exploded, slamming a fist into his palm. "Ishouldn't have touched her. I should have just walked away. Now I’min this mess, and I don't know what the hell to do."
"You know whatto do," Kane told him quietly. "You just have to calm downand start thinking rationally. You have to be patient."
He whirled and strodeover to look out the window. "Go and show him in. I’ll domy best to behave." He said woodenly.
He hunched hisshoulders as he heard the door close behind him and felt as if he wasin hell. He hadn’t been sleeping much, and the need to be withher was a lot to bear. It was as if he’d swapped one hell for amuch hotter one. He stiffened when he heard the door opening and theconversation filtering in.
"Caleb, I’msure you know who this is."
"Son of abitch."
Kenji turned at thesound of the man's vicious curse.
"You brought mehere under false pretenses?”
“I’mafraid so." Kane looked over at Kenji. "I’m askingyou to hear him out."
"I don’twant to be in the same room as this sick bastard."
"The feeling is,of course, mutual."
With a nod to hiscousin, he reined in his temper. "We might not like each other-"
"I hate yourstinking guts."
"Be that as itmay, we both have someone in common, and I’m sure her happinessis the most important thing to both of us."
"Is that so?"Caleb asked softly, blue eyes menacing. "Is that what you’retrying to tell yourself, you son of a bitch? You pursued her and thenhad your way with her. Afterward, you turned tail and ran like thecoward you are."