Page 56 of Kenji

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Page 56 of Kenji

“I don’tknow if I ever want to see him.”

“You’regoing to have to."


"Not my place totell you what to do."

"No. It's not."She lifted a hand. "I apologize."

"For speakingyour mind? Not at all. Now, let's get down to business."


He knew she was backbut was going to give her a couple of days. He wanted her to thinkthat he’d given up. He’d sent flowers, of course, a hugebouquet of calla lilies, red, white, and yellow roses, and sprigs ofparsley. He hadn’t included a card, but she’d figure outwho they were from.

He’d asked Kaneabout her well-being, and his cousin told him she was looking almostlike her old self. 'Still a little thin, but that's to be expected."

"You could orderher to go back home for another week. You’re her boss."

"Her doctorcleared her, and I need her. She’s very good at what she doesand was sorely missed."

"I don't wanther overworked."

Kane gave him a look."That high-handed attitude isn’t going to get you anybrownie points."

"Yeah."He’d agreed. He was trying to dial it down a notch for when hefaced her for the first time in over four months. He wanted to be onher good side so he could accompany her to the next appointment. Itwas his right, and he was going to be there whether she liked it ornot.

He was going tocorner the lioness in her den and had no idea how to go about it.He’d chosen the time of day when it was after the rush for theevening meal so she wouldn’t be too busy.

He wasn’trequired to make a reservation as she more or less used Kane'sprivate booth. The staff was aware of who he was, of course. Sheddinghis jacket, he handed it to the young woman before going inside, eyesscanning the lingering crowd.

She wasn’t onthe floor, which meant she was either upstairs or in her office.Dismissing the eager Maître d, he made his way back and stoodby the door indecisively before knocking.

"Come in."

Her cultured voicehad him hesitating a second before pushing it open. "Give me a-"Her voice tailed away when she lifted her head to see him standingthere. For a few moments, neither of them said anything.

"I hope I’mnot intruding-"

"Get out."

"Not going tohappen." He closed the door behind him firmly and crossed hisarms over his chest, and leaned against the door. “We need totalk.”

“We don’tneed to do a damn thing, and this is my office.”

“I’m notleaving until you hear me out."

"I don't havetime-"

"Make time."

She bristled as sheglared at him. "I don't have to talk to you."

"Then you candamn well listen." His eyes wandered over her face, and he feltthe pang at how thin she was. "I’m sorry. I made a hugeerror in leaving and not getting in touch with you. Kane should havetold me-"

"I asked him notto. Your apology is noted and not accepted. Now leave."

"No. Dammit,Chantelle. I was out of my depth, and I acted in the moment. When wewere together, I felt something, and it scared the hell out of me. Iran. I’m not proud of myself for doing so, but I did what Ithought was best for me."

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