Page 57 of Kenji
She inclined her headregally. "Noted, again. Now, please leave. I have work."
"I need anotherchance."
"You won’tbe getting it.”
“I can forceyour hand.”
Her eyes blazed. “Bywielding your immense power. Please, go right ahead."
He sighed. It wasgoing badly, and he had no idea what to do. "Look-" Hestarted to walk forward when he saw her swaying. The alarm wasimmediate and had him rushing the rest of the way. "What is it?"
"Nothing. Justleave me alone."
"I told Kane itwas too soon for you to be back."
She glared at him."You were discussing me with Kane?"
"I was askingabout your health. Let me get you some water."
"I can get itmyself."
Ignoring her, he wentto the small cabinet and poured a glass, bringing it back to her. "Iwant to see you and be in your life. When’s your next doctor'sappointment? I want to be there."
"I don't wantyou to. Caleb accompanies me."
His mouth tightened."He’s not the father of the baby. I am."
"Look, you canfight me all you want, but I’m not going to turn and walk away.I’m staying. Now, drink the water and let me call the kitchenand get you something to eat. Are you taking care of yourself?"
He wasn’tprepared for the cold water as she tossed the contents of the glassin his face, and it left him gasping.
Chantelle stared athim in horrified shock and braced for the explosion. She hadn’tthought, just reacted. She watched as he turned away and went to getsome tissues from the box to pat his face dry. His black sweater waswet and clinging to his chest.
"Now that you’vegotten that out of your system, I suggest we start over." Therewas a dangerous glint in his dark eyes that had her tremblingslightly.
"If you’rethinking of throwing the glass, I’d advise against it. I’monly prepared to take so much. I’m sticking around, Chantelle.I know you might not believe it, but I’m here to stay."His hand swept around the room. "I’m thinking of takingpermanent residence here."
"I can’tstop seeing you as you’re related to the owner and have a tenpercent interest in the place. This is my domain, and I’dappreciate it if you would stay the hell away from me."
He advanced and hadher slinking back. "Is it so bad?" he asked her softly. "Wehave something-"
"That was then."
She could not avoidhim as he reached out and hauled her against him. "Perhaps youneed a reminder."
"Don't!"She spoke more out of fear than anger. She couldn’t resist him,and touching her was going to prove to him that she wasn’t overhim. Slapping her hands against his chest, she put distance betweenthem.
"I’vemoved on. Yes, I’m carrying your baby inside me, and it killsme. I will love it because that is who I am. Despite the fact thatit’s yours, I’ll love it, but I don't have to put up withyou. I’m asking you to have a conscience or try and develop oneand leave me alone. I can’t stand to be touched by you."
His face was rigidwith anger, his eyes bright with it. For a few seconds, she thoughthe was going to ignore her impassioned plea and pull her into hisarms. If she did, she wouldn’t stand a chance. His handstightened on her arms for a minute before he released her and steppedback.
She told herself thatit was relief she felt when he did.
"I’llleave you be for now." He told her coldly, eyes raking her face."You’re carrying my baby inside you. I’m going to behere no matter what you say.
I’ve told youI’m sorry and want to make up for the pain I caused you, andyou’re not letting me. You should know something about me,darling-" His smile was menacing. "I don't give up. I’llleave you alone for now, but I’m here to stay." With that,he slammed out of her office.