Page 69 of Kenji
“My sweet.”Sliding down, he ventured further down, pressing a palm over herpussy. Still staring at her, he circled her clitoris and watched asher breath hissed out and her body arched.
“That’s-“She bit her lip and swallowed the cry.
“Tell me.”He stroked the flesh slowly, his gaze holding hers.
“I can’t-“One leg lifted restlessly, giving him more access to her. “Please.”
“Tell me,darling.”
The sound of her namein that sultry voice of her was enough to light the fuse alreadyburning inside him. “Sweetheart.” He dipped a finger intoher and felt the shudder as Chantelle screamed.
“How does itfeel?”
“I can’tbreathe-“ Her fingers were drawing the sheets up. “Ican’t do this.”
“Take more.”He said roughly, sliding deeper inside her. Her eyes wheeled over andher body arched uncontrollably. The climax came immediately, rippingthrough her like a tumultuous tidal wave. She was swept away on thetorrent and her body was wracked with pleasure.
He went wild watchingher. The passion had stripped her of her inhibitions and justifiableanger. He waited until she’d finished climaxing before he easedhis finger out. He was so aroused he could barely coat his cock withthe oil. His body was sheened with sweat, his muscles rippling as hefought for control.
Lowering his body, heguided himself into her. She screamed again as the moisture blendedwith the oil and created such heat that she was vibrating again.
“I’mdying.” Her fingers dug into his skin scraping him. He didn’tfeel the pain, he only felt the incredible pull of her pussy clampingaround his cock. Bowing his head to hers, he breathed through histeeth.
“I need aminute. Darling, please-“ He gasped as she stirred franticallybeneath him. Taking her lips, he kissed her with a lust that had herswooning. Then she came again. The tears spilled down her cheeks asshe clung to him, her body heaving.
He didn’t lastlong after that. Dragging his lips from hers, he sank his teeth intothe side of her neck which brought another tortured cry from her. Heexploded inside her, his long, lean body shuddering as he nuzzled herneck.
As soon as he could,he rolled off her, sitting on the side of the bed. Propping hiselbows on his thighs, he combed his fingers through his hair as hefought to get back in control of himself.
Rising unsteadily, hewent to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him. Reachingfor the sheets, Chantelle pulled them over her and turned onto herside. She was still trembling, her body soaked with sweat and hercheeks moist with tears.
The left side of herneck was throbbing from the bite and she didn’t know how toact. He’d destroyed her.
She jumped slightlywhen he came back into the room. He was wearing a towel tied looselyaround his trim waist. The glow from the flames enhanced his tannedskin and highlighted the dragon tattoo on his biceps.
Sitting on the edgeof the bed, he turned her head to the side, clamping down on the hissof anger as he noticed the big red rash he’d caused. “Thisis going to sting.” He told her roughly. “I don’twant it getting infected.”
She sucked in abreath as he rubbed antiseptic cream on the wound. Capping thebottle, he rose. “You must be hungry.” With that, he leftthe room and closed the door behind him.
She’d suspectedshe was still in love with him and this cemented it. Biting down onher lip, she eased the sheets away from her sensitive nipples. Herbody was still trembling from the aftermath of something she had nowords for.
When she heard thedoor being pushed open, she pulled the sheets back up and watched ashe came into the room bearing a tray with a large bowl and a platewith slices of bread. Placing the tray over her he adjusted thepillows and helped her up. “I’m going for a run.”
“What? You’rejust leaving?”
“You need toeat.” There was a detached expression on his face that struckdread inside her heart. “I’ll be back.”
A frown crossed herbrow as he went to the closet to drag out sweatpants and a sweater.He didn’t even bother with underwear. Giving her one last look,he hurried out of the room and closed the door behind him.
Was he havingregrets? Putting the spoon away, she stared at the space before her.Was this going to be like the first time? She’d be damned if hewas going to toss her aside like he did before. He went to all thetrouble to get her here; she wasn’t going to allow him to dothis to her again.
He’d forgottento put on the jacket and the wind had picked up speed. The colddidn’t bother him much and his skin was still sweaty and hot.The thoughts and emotions were still racing through him.
He chose the beatenpath that led away from the cabin and into the dense darkness of thewoods. It was early afternoon, but a thin layer of darkness haddescended. It looked like it was going to rain he hadn’tbothered to look at the forecast.