Page 70 of Kenji
His legs pumped; hisheart started to race as he increased the pace. He was out of hisdepth and felt like running away again. He’d planned on turningher into a mass of emotion, but the joke was completely on him.
Stopping at thestream he hunkered down to dip his fingers into the icy cold water.He relished the jolt to his senses. He was in love with her, not justlove, he acknowledged grimly. What he felt couldn’t be summonedup with just that one word and it scared him.
He knew she waswondering if history was about to repeat itself where he wasconcerned. He couldn’t leave her if someone held him atgunpoint. Was this what his cousin feels all the time?
He’d oftenbeen amused at how a strong and powerful man like Kane could turninto putty when his wife was around. He’d also been slightlycynical never thinking for one minute that could happen to him.
Now it had and he hadno idea what to do or how to act. His entire family had been takenaway from him and he’d vowed never to love enough to be hurtlike that. Now, this was even worse. He was going to keep her safe.There was no way he’d allow her to be hurt. He couldn’tlose her. He wouldn’t survive losing her and their baby.
Rising, he finallyfelt the cold break through the thinness of his sweater. He was goingback to tell her he wanted to make plans for the rest of their lives.She was no longer going to be allowed to work. She didn’t needthe money. He’d allow her to stay at the restaurant until Kanefound a suitable replacement.
He wanted them to getmarried as soon as possible. He wanted her tied to him legally andbound together irrevocably. He took a breath. Marriage - a big step,but nothing less would do where she was concerned. He wanted her tobelong to him in every possible way.
With that in mind, heturned and retraced his steps. The sooner she knew the deal, thebetter.
Where the hell washe? Chantelle had surprised herself and eaten everything in the bowl.Now she was full and pissed off. He’d been gone for almost anhour and it looked like it was going to rain. Where was he?
She paced to thewindow to look out at the gathering dark clouds and started worrying.What if something happened to him? What if he was mauled by a bear orhad fallen into a ditch? It’d serve him right for leaving heralone like this.
How dare he plan withher best friend to get her here and now he’s gone! Well, shewasn’t going to stand for it, she decided. He’d broughtthe case Caleb had packed up. Thoughts of how he’d deceived herhad her sizzling with anger. She’d deal with him later.
She’d justlifted the case on the bed and opened it when she heard the frontdoor slam shut. She turned towards the door as he bounded up thestairs. They were going to have it out once and for all.
Chapter 15
He was breathinghard, his sweater clinging to his body from sweat and the finedrizzle that had just started. His intense dark eyes unnerved her andshe could feel the tremors starting in her belly. They’d sharedsomething potent earlier something she was finding a difficult timegetting a grip on.
As she opened hermouth to speak, he held up a hand. “I want to go first.”His deep voice was quiet and there was a sober expression on hishandsome face. “I’m in love with you, irrevocably, headover heels, in love with you.”
He stood where he washands shoved into his pockets as he continued to stare at hermoodily. “I never expected this and I’m scared to mybones.
What we shared-“His eyes veered to the tangled sheets and he imagined he could stillsmell the sex and sweat inside the small room. “It’s-“He swallowed the lump inside his throat. “I want you to marryme, now. I want you tied to me for the rest of our lives and I’mgoing to inform Kane he has to look for someone else. You will stopworking-“
“Whoa!”She held up a hand and had to sit on the edge of the bed as her kneesbuckling.
“That’s alot of information to process and–“ Her eyes blazed athim. “You haven’t asked if I want to marry you. Anotherthing, you sure as hell don’t get to run my life.”
He walked into theroom and stood in front of her. “Do you love me?”
“That’sbeside the point.”
“That is thepoint. Do you love me?” He persisted.
“Yes. But-“
“Do you want tomarry me?”
“I don’tknow. It depends.”
“It depends onhow much you think you’re going to control my life. I’mnot giving up my job.”
“I can makeyou.”
She got to her feetslowly and fisted her hands on her hips. “Try it.”