Page 7 of Kenji

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Page 7 of Kenji

"You figuredwrong. See you in a few."

Hanging up the phone,Chantelle felt her smile widening. Knowing Caleb, he was going towant something to eat as soon as he arrived. With that in mind, shewent about finishing the tidying up before going upstairs to take ashower.


He’d opted togo to the club for the day. Kane was away on a business trip and hetold himself that at least he’d gotten him off his back. He’dalso decided to drive instead of using the company jet to make thetrip.

He needed themiles and distance to clear his head and to do some thinking. Doing acircuit in his well-equipped gym hadn’t managed to relieve theenergy coursing through his body. He figured a day spent at the clubwould do the trick.

He could lose himselfin everything there and put a halt on the thoughts churning throughhis mind. Perhaps have some mindless sex - perhaps not, he shook hishead as he rejected the idea.

His life was toocomplicated right now to be thinking of anything remotely concerninga relationship. He had things to sort out and didn’t want todraw anyone into the drama.

The day was lovely,the drive along the countryside managing to calm his fevered brain.He was happy he’d decided to drive himself instead of flying.His mind turned to his cousin and their conversation two nights ago.

He was right. Kanewas right, of course, about him taking the reins of the company.Lee's Enterprises was a diversified multi-billion-dollar company withinterests in several businesses. Their car dealership was top of theline and the reputation was second to none.

They’d beenin business for more than a hundred years and had started as a carrental place in Korea before blossoming into a holding that hadinterests all over the world.

Fortunately for him,the managers were well placed and absolutely loyal, giving him thefreedom to do whatever hell he pleased.

He was going to haveto start to take a more active interest, start going into the officemore often, show his face - actually sit in on meetings. The companybelonged to him, whether he wanted to accept it or not.

God knows, he washaving a hard time accepting it. He wasn’t supposed to takeover the reins for years. Even if his dad had died, his uncleshould’ve been the one to step forward. Both of them had diedat the same time and the anger inside him was too much to bear.

Punching the volumeon the radio, he tuned out the bad memories and focused on thelyrics.


"It's cold ashell out there." A grin lit up his handsome face as he steppedinto the foyer and lifted her, crushing her tight against his long,lean body. Pressing a kiss on her lips, he asked. "Anything?"

"Nothing."She hugged him fiercely. "It's good to see you."

"I was hopingthere would be some sort of spark and we’d end up in bed."

"Fat chance."She laughed at his nonsense. Tucking a hand through his arm, she ledthe way into the kitchen where she had soup and sandwich ready.

"Are you surethere’s nothing?" He nodded to the spread. "You’dmake me an excellent wife."

"As if you wouldeven dream of settling down." She scoffed, going for the case ofbeers she had in the fridge. "How was it?"

Shrugging out of hisbattered leather jacket, he slung it carelessly over the back of thechair.

"Three months ofundiluted misery." Dipping the spoon into the soup, he took anappreciative sip. "The food was lousy and I was afraid to let myguard down long enough to get laid." His dark blue eyestwinkled. "Hence the hope that you changed your mind about thestatus of our relationship."

"Nope." Sheflicked the moisture from her glass at him. "And neither haveyou. How does it feel to be a number one bestselling author? Howabout the fact that your detective series has been picked up by amajor network?"

"Stillprocessing." He shrugged one broad shoulder. "I still missbeing out there solving crimes." Caleb had been on the force forten years until he got shot and decided it was time to call it quits.He’d taken his experiences to become a novelist.

His first book hadbeen a minor success, but then an agent had noticed him and taken himunder her wing. Now, he was pumping out book after book and rackingup credit and recognition.


He grinned at her."Hell no. I enjoy the freedom of getting up whenever I feel likeand staying in my drawers for the entire day. Did I tell you that Idon’t shower for days?"

"Not something Ilike to hear. There is such a thing as oversharing."

"Part of being abest friend. Deal with it."

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