Page 8 of Kenji
"It's so good tosee you. How long are you staying put?"
"For a while.I’ve more than enough research to last me for a while and Ineed to be near my best girl." He gave her an appraising look,mentally shaking his head at the fact that they weren’t morethan best friends.
Chantelle was one ofthe most beautiful women he’d ever seen and he’d seenplenty. She had that flawless caramel complexion going on for her.The tumble of permed dark brown hair was piled on top of her head,giving her a youthful look.
Her nose wassmall and pert and her lips full. She was tiny and a bundle of energyand was never still for more than a few minutes. They’dexplored a deeper relationship at one point, but decided it wasbetter to remain friends. "How’s my best girl?"
"Enjoying thejob." Her dark brown eyes sparkled. "I had no idea managinga restaurant could be so interesting."
"I imagine youget to meet all sorts of people. The rich and famous."
"Of which youhave now become one. You should stop by and have lunch."
"I will. How’sthe personal life?"
"What personallife?"
"Maybe weshould-"
He gave her anexasperated look. "We could try."
"The fact wehave to try means it isn’t meant to be."
"If you say so."He didn’t pursue the topic, knowing she was right. "I’mtaking you out to dinner."
"I happen towork at a restaurant." She reminded him.
"I’mtaking you to my favorite haunt. Big juicy burger and ale coming up.I caught a damn bug while I was in Mexico City and am still as weakas a kitten."
"Have you beento a doctor?" The concern was immediate.
"Since I arrivedlast night after a hellish flight and, as soon as I opened my eyes,the first thing I thought about was seeing you, the answer to thatwould be a big fat no."
"Then before wego anywhere, we’re going to see a doctor."
"Yes, Mom. God,I missed you."
"Ditto. Finishup, you’re going to help me fold laundry."
"As long as Iget to get to do your underwear." He gave her a wicked grin.
The rousing game oftennis was followed by several laps in the pool and afterwards therewas the card game that lasted several hours. Feeling the tension andanger ebbing away, he decided to join some friends for dinner. Theconversation was animated and friendly.
He was among his ownpeers. They were men who knew about his past but had never brought itup. He’d made it clear he didn’t want to discuss it andhis request had been respected.
He was content tosimply sit back, enjoy his after-dinner drink and engage in mindlessconversation about the latest car on the market and who was seeingwho.
Whoever said thatwomen were the worst gossips had it wrong. Men were definitecontenders for the title. He didn’t contribute much, of course,because they knew him to be a closed book. He certainly wasn’tone to have a heart-to-heart and spill secrets.
"The grandopening is next Saturday?"
He’d been sodeep in thought he hadn’t realized Liam Moses had loweredhimself into the chair next to him.