Page 73 of Kenji

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Page 73 of Kenji

“No nausea?”

She was enjoying theattention. Right now, he was massaging the soles of her feet.“Minimal and nothing since I arrived.” The rain wasmaking pitter-patter sounds on the window pane and it felt wonderfulbeing here with him like this. He was working his way up to hercalves.

“Any regretscoming here?”

“None. I’mgoing to have to reconsider kicking Caleb’s butt. How did youget him to agree to this?”

“I threatenedhim with bodily harm.” He shot her an amused look.

“No doubt. He’snot so bad himself, but not up to your standard. No, seriously, whatdid you say to him? It had to be something epic for him to agree toit.”

“I told him thetruth.” His eyes met hers. “I told him I’m in lovewith you and I’m pretty sure you feel the same way. I furtherpressed the point that I need to make up for running away in thefirst place and I’m going to be spending the rest of my lifewith you.”

She gazed at him.“Apparently it worked. You could have said that to me in thefirst place.”

“I triedtalking to you and got a face full of cold water.” He remindedher dryly as he capped the bottle.

“You were soarrogant and mean that I wanted to deck you.”

“Deck me?”

“I know I’mnot up to taking you on but I wanted to try.” She shook herhead, silky dark brown hair spilling over her left shoulder. He’dinsisted on them taking off their clothing after they were finishedeating.

“You made me soangry I couldn’t stand it.” He admitted ruefully.Scooting forward, he joined her, pulling her against him. He kissedthe top of her head. “I’m guessing it had something to dowith the fact that you kept ignoring me as if I was invisible.”

“You were apain in the ass.” She turned to look at him. “The firsttime we met you dismissed me as just an employee.”

“You cameinside the office, just glided in and completely ignored me. I wasadmiring you in that black and white pantsuit and you didn’teven look at me. My ego was hurt.”

“I noticedyou.” She admitted, toying with the tattoo on his arm. “Iwas caught up by how handsome you were and I felt like an idiotbecause I knew who you were. I wanted to make a good impression.”He shuddered slightly when she bent to kiss the bruises she had putthere.

She lifted her headto look at him. “I knew there was no way a man like you wouldever be interested in me. I’d seen you on the internet withthose actresses-“ Her voice tailed off as the memories cameback. “I don’t want you to look back and wish you werewith one of them. I couldn’t bear it.”

He gripped her chinbetween his fingers. “I told you I loved you. You’ve seenthat I can’t keep my hands off you. I’ve never been inlove before.” His expression gentled. “You have nothingto be afraid of. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”

“Promise?”She whispered.

“On my life.”He said solemnly.

“I’mgoing to hold you to it.”

“No problem.”Hauling her on top of him, he slipped smoothly into her. “Wasthat all?”

“For now.”She murmured as she allowed the sensation to wash over her.


He made the callsMonday night while they were on their way home. “I’m notletting you out of my sight.” He warned.

“What about myhouse? It’s big enough for all three of us.”

He’d staredat her in contemplation. “You don’t want to sell?”

“Not rightnow.”

“We’lldecide at a later date what we’re going to do. How do you feelabout getting married in two weeks?”

“Kenji, there’sno way I can get everything in place in that amount of time.”She protested.

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