Page 74 of Kenji

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Page 74 of Kenji

“I’llhire a wedding planner. All you have to do is show up.”

“You knowI’m going to want to get involved.”

“I don’twant you rushed off your feet.” He told her firmly. “Pickout your dress and decide on the kind of cake you prefer and that’sit.”

“Do I have tolook forward to you trying to run my life?” She asked.

“Absolutely.”Hauling her up against him he kissed her into submission.

Now, he was back torunning things from his phone. As soon as they left the cabin and hadgone a few miles, he’d started making calls and his first onewas to Caleb. “Just want to say thanks for the favor.”

He listened for aminute, turning to look at her curled up in the passenger seat. “Itwent rather well. Hear for yourself.” He pushed the speaker.

“You’relucky it worked out so well.” She told him. “It went wellenough to ask you to be my attendant for the wedding. Jason will wantto give me away, but I want you next to me.”

“So in fact,you owe me a favor. I’m happy for you, darling.”

“Thanks. We’reon our way back now. The wedding is in two weeks?”

“What’sthe hurry? Are you knocked up?” His laughter came. “Ohright. Yes, you are.”

“Bite me.”

“I’ll seeyou when I get back.”

“He loves you.”Kenji murmured, fighting the sliver of jealousy he felt.

Chantelle interpretedit and the look he gave her. “He’s like a brother to meand I love him. We’ve been there for each other for manyyears.”

“I’m anass.”

“No.” Shereached over and took his hand, linking their fingers. “Iunderstand.”

“Do you?”He asked grimly. “This is new to me and it makes me feel like afool.”

“I love you somuch, Kenji.”

That turned him intoa complete puddle. “I love you more.” He told herthickly.


She felt as if shewas caught up in a whirlwind. As soon as she said yes to him and theyreturned home, things started happening. He insisted on meeting herbrother Jason and his wife. The shock on their faces couldn’tbe concealed.

"Is he forreal?" Jason asked her as soon as they had some privacy. "Thisguy is very powerful and wealthy. He left you before-"

"That won’thappen again." She assured him. "He’s in love withme." She added with a smile. "And I’m in love withhim. I know who he is, Jason, I know the circumstances of his lifeand am prepared to accept it. I know it's huge, but I love him."

"You couldn’twait a while for the wedding?"

"He wants to getmarried as soon as possible and I don't believe we should wait. I‘mjust asking you to give me away."

"I thought thathonor belonged to Caleb." He said dryly. The two men had along-standing rivalry for her affection and place in her life andnothing she’d tried to do to previously had helped.

"He’s myman of honor." She touched his arm lightly. "You’remy brother so you get to give me away."

"In that case, Iaccept. I’m happy for you."


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