Page 75 of Kenji
Then she met Kane andKelly.
"Kenji warned usthat you’re not to lift a finger." Kane said in amusement."When my cousin decides on something, it’s a done deal.We’ll deal with the planning and getting things together."He paused briefly. "There’s also the subject of yourposition here."
"I’m notgiving up my job and I told him that."
Kane nodded. "You’llbe cutting back though and I agree with that. You’re going tobe Kenji's wife, which means you’ll be family. On top of that,you’re pregnant and the pregnancy took a lot out of you."
"I’llagree to do four days a week and nothing less." She told himstubbornly. "Kenji and I argued about it and I’m standingby my decision."
"He told me thattoo." A smile touched his lips. "My dear, you’regoing to be the wife of a very wealthy man, you don’t need themoney."
"I never neededit before and Kelly is the wife of a very wealthy man and she works."
"Point taken."He nodded, smile widening. "Welcome to the family. I couldn’thave chosen better for my cousin."
"I told him ifhe hurts you, he’s going to answer to me." Caleb rubbedher arms absently. "I see how happy you are you’repractically glowing."
"I am happy andI have to thank you for tricking me like that."
He winced. "Thatwas the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. So, you guys willbe living here?"
"Until we decidewe want something else. It's a big house and the neighborhood is niceand peaceful."
"Where’sLoverboy now?"
"Makingarrangements. he doesn’t want me to do anything." Takinghis hand, she led him over to the sofa. "He’s going to bemoving his stuff in here and leaving some in his loft."
"How does itfeel?"
"How does whatfeel?"
"To be marryinga man with so much money?"
"I try not tothink about it. You know I don't care about that sort of thing."She clasped her hands together. "It's overwhelming. I neverthought something like this would happen to me. It scares me."
"I’ve seenthe way he behaves around you and I swear sparks fly go off whenyou’re together. He isn’t pretending."
"No." Sheshook her head. "He isn’t easy to live with."
"In what way?"
"This is new forhim, it's new for me too, but it embarrasses him-" She frowned alittle. "Perhaps that's not the right word. I think he’suncomfortable at the intensity of what he feels. He’s alsoscared. You know what happened to his family and he’s afraid oflosing me."
Caleb nodded. "Itsucks."
They both looked upat the sound of the front doors opening.
"That's him."
"Is he going tofreak because I’m sitting next to you?"
"He knows how Ifeel about you."
"Ourrelationship has been rocky at best. I don't want to cause anytrouble."
"You are my bestfriend-"