Page 76 of Kenji
"He should be,darling. I’m willing to be relegated to second place."
Kenji stopped justinside the doorway and felt the familiar frisson of jealousy at thesight of the man with his hand clasped in that of his fiance. Makingan effort, he strolled into the room and gave them both a smile. "Ihope I’m not interrupting."
"Not at all."Caleb leaned over to give her a kiss on the lips before rising. "Iwas just leaving. I’ll see you tomorrow. As the man of honor,it’s my duty to bring the strippers." With a carelessgrin, he left the room.
Kenji took the spacehe’d left willing the jealousy to go away.
Apparently, he hadn’tworked at it hard enough.
"Just-" Heblew out a breath. "He touches you whenever he feels like. Ihate the fact that he kisses you." He closed his eyes briefly."I sound like a besotted fool."
Taking his hand inhers she placed it where her heart was beating unsteadily. "Ibelong to you completely and I’d like you to finally get that."
His fingers spreadover her sweater where the warmth of her skin was spreading to his."I adore you." He told her thickly. "I’m askingyou to bear with me."
"I will."Letting go of his hand, she climbed into his lap. "Now thatwe’re alone-"
"What do youhave in mind?"
"Take a wildguess."
Chapter 16
The weatherco-operated and the afternoon was lovely with clear blue sky and theshowers from the day before giving off a fresh aroma from the flowersblooming in the various gardens. The arbor had been decorated and therestaurant had been closed for the ceremony.
The couple were nowliving together and trying to get used to the adjustment. He wasterritorial something she was trying to live with. He was accustomedto people picking up after him. She usually had someone coming inonce a week, but now they were together, it was going to have to bedifferent.
He had anexcellent housekeeper; a no-nonsense woman who’d immediatelytaken charge of the kitchen. Chantelle insisted on having her ladycome in once a week because she didn’t want her missing out onthe money she needed.
“She doesn’tlike me.” She told Kenji that first night after Mrs. Hamiltonhad been there.
“You’reimagining things. She’s very loyal and doesn’t miss atrick. She also keeps her opinions to herself.”
“She likesyou and thinks I’m usurping her role. You should have consultedme-“
“She’sbeen with my family for years. I inherited her.”
“That’sthe problem. She thinks you deserve better.”
“I havebetter.” He gave her a quizzical glance. “You got all ofthat from one meeting with her?”
“I’m veryperceptive.” She pointed out.
“Can youperceive this?” He’d asked her softly, pulling her intohis arms. “How much I want you?”
“Kenji- “
“Shh. I’mbusy.”
Then there was thetime at the restaurant when one of the customers was hitting on her.He’d stepped over and given the man a look that had him backingoff.
“I was handlingthe situation.” She’d blazed at him later in her office.
“Not quickenough. The asshole was touching your ass.”
“I was handlingit. I can take care of myself.”