Page 77 of Kenji
“I don’tlike men touching what’s mine.”
“I’m notsome kind of property.”
“You’remine.” He gritted, dark eyes flashing.
She’d backeddown after realizing that this was definitely new for him.
“Do youbelieve that I love you completely?” She asked him quietly.
“That hasnothing to do with-“
“Please answerthe question.”
“I do.”
“Then I wantyou to trust me to take care of myself. You don’t have to stayhere and watch over me. I don’t appreciate it.” She’dgone over and into his arms. “I love you, Kenji, and this isnew for me too. We’re still trying to get to know each otherand figure this thing out. Stop trying to control me.”
He'd sighed and givenin. “I’m a jealous prick, but I won’t let anotherman put their hands on you.”
“I’ll tryand stop that from happening. Caleb touches me- “
“I makeallowances because of the relationship.”
“Big of you.”She teased. “I love you.” That had dissolved the last ofher anger.
Now they werestanding with nature all around them and the few people they invitedto share this special occasion with them. Her dress was a deceptivelysimple champagne colored silk with a fitted bosom and a wide skirt,the swirl enough to hide her slight bump. Her hair and makeup hadbeen done by someone Kelly had sent over.
The thick strandswere brushed back in a sleek style from her face to fall like awaterfall around her shoulders. A jaunty hat matching the dress wasperched to one side and her bouquet consisted of the various flowersblooming in the gardens.
A carpet had beenlaid for her to walk on and chairs dotted the green manicured lawn.Standing under the flower-filled arbor, Kenji, wearing dark bluedress pants and baby blue cotton shirt, felt himself going rigid ashe watched her walking towards him.
He barely glanced atthe man next to her, his eyes returning to her with a fervor that wasfrightening. He’d refused to spend the night away from her, sothey’d spent it together in that big bed of hers but he hadn’ttouched her.
“I know this issupposed to be the night I leave you alone. I’m willing to makea compromise. We’ll just sleep; I just want to hold you in myarms and that’s it.” He’d kept his promise, howeverdifficult it had been for him.
“Relax.”Kane whispered teasingly.
“Yeah. This isridiculous, but I keep expecting her to disappear.”
“She’sright here and soon, she’ll be your wife.”
The very idea of thatwas making him so nervous he could barely stand still. The ceremonywas short and to the point. He wanted it over and done with, so thathe‘d have her to himself. Within ten minutes, they had repeatedtheir vows and were husband and wife.
The nausea camesuddenly. One minute, she was sat at the table enjoying the sumptuousfood and the next, she was gripping Kenji’s hand.
“What is it?”
“I’mgoing to be sick.” She whispered urgently. “Now.”
Pushing back hischair, he lifted her into his arms and rushed inside where they justmade it to the small powder room. He knelt behind her rubbing hershoulders and back as she puked everything she’d eaten sincethe morning.
His expression wasgrim, his shoulders tense. He hadn’t been here for the firstfour months and had missed the worse of it. Now that she was having abad moment, he felt the regret pouring through his body as he waitedfor her to finish.
“Better?”He asked lightly as she sagged back against him.
“I thinkI’ve ruined our wedding.”