Page 17 of Nigel
"Excuse me?"
"I am intriguedby you."
"I am sure it'sjust a phase. I understand rich people go through them occasionally."
"The scorn inyour voice which you did not quite manage to hide reveals exactlywhat your feelings are towards us rich people."
"I shouldapologize, but I am entitled to my opinion."
"And that wouldbe?"
"Having moneygives you a certain freedom to treat people with less, however youplease."
"You aregeneralizing," he told her mildly.
"I am aware thatI am, but it is usually true."
He scooped up lobstercoated with creamy sauce into his mouth. "I treat people withrespect, regardless of their status."
"You would bethe odd one."
"I have severalfriends who do the same." He tilted his head to study her. "Iam guessing that if I were to invite you out on a date, that would bea problem?"
Her laughter burstout, transforming an attractive face into one of dazzling beauty. Shehad dimples, big ones and her dark brown eyes were glowing with alight that had him staring. The twinge of lust had turned into afull-blown yearning. "Oh, absolutely."
"Why is that?"
"The term nightand day comes to mind. I value myself too much to become some man'sone night stand."
"I did saydinner," he pointed out lightly.
"And dinnerwould lead to a roll in that very big bed of yours. No thanks. I wantto say that I am flattered, but I am not."
"Or we could goand roll in that big bed of mine, right now."
"Let me guess:You would add a little extra to the money I am owed."
"Now you areinsulting me and demeaning yourself. The fact is, you fascinate meand I would like to get to know you better."
"The answer is aresounding no. I know my place."
"And that wouldbe?"
"You stay overthere and I stay right here. Average income people do not have a mealwith multi-billionaires."
"And here we aredoing just that."
"This isdifferent."
"What can I sayto change your mind?"
"I am attractedto you."
"You just met meand I am betting that I am not your type." She pointed toherself. "I am a size twenty black woman and would be a fool totake you seriously."
"You arebeautiful."