Page 18 of Nigel
"I know I am. Iam also smart enough not to be caught up by your very flatteringwords."
"At least giveme your number."
"We could talk."
"This and that."The more time he spent with her, the more fascinated and intrigued hewas becoming. "Give me a chance."
"No." Shepushed away the plate and reached for the glass, her hand not quitesteady. She could not remember the last time she had been in arelationship.
At first, she hadbeen too busy forming her company, working day and night to get itoff the ground and then she had been taking care of her mother. Andshe was very selective. Because of her height and weight, she couldnot be with men of a certain height.
She did not go forshort men. It so happened that the man sitting across from her wasvery tall and very attractive and if she did not watch herself, shecould be very persuaded. "I am pretty certain there are womenlining up to have dinner or whatever with you."
"Possibly."His hazel eyes were warmed by his smile. "But I want to havedinner and whatever with you."
"I am not goingto change my mind."
"Because I amwealthy."
"That's the mainobstacle."
"There areothers?"
"We are fromdifferent worlds."
"I had theimpression that there was only one world."
"And if youthink that, you are a fool."
"I am certainlynot that."
"There you go."She pointed the wine glass at him. "You are just grateful."
"I took care ofyou."
"So, you aresaying that I am projecting."
“Aren’tyou?” She really should leave, because she was starting to leaninto his BS.
“Possibly,”he repeated. His appetite had deserted him to be replaced bysomething much stronger. Leaning back, he stretched his legs out andpicked up his glass. “Or it could be just good old-fashionedlust. We should find out.”
Her eyes glitteredwith anger. “I am here to clean your apartment and I did that.Getting me in bed is not some side benefit.”
“I haveoffended you.”
“You think?”
“I did not meanto,” he admitted quietly. “I am in my mid forties andjust figured that speaking one’s mind is accepted. How old areyou?”
The question threwher for a minute. “None of your concern.”
His smile camefleetingly. “I have committed another faux pas. A man does notask a woman her age.”